Hubungan antara Persepsi Gaya Kepimpinan di Tempat Kerja dan Stres Pekerjaan Pekerja (Relationship between Perception on Leadership Styles in Workplace and Occupational Stress among Employee)

Mohd Fadhli Mohd Fauzi, Fadzrul Hafiz Johani, Ong Aik Liang, Natrah Abd Rani, Faiz Daud


Stres pekerjaan berlaku apabila keperluan persekitaran termasuk gaya kepimpinan pemimpin di tempat kerja tidak sepadan dengan keupayaan dan kemahuan individu. Ia berpotensi menggugat pekerja dan organisasi dalam pelbagai aspek. Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengukur prevalen persepsi gaya kepimpinan dan tahap stres pekerjaan dalam kalangan pekerja serta hubungan antara kedua-duanya. Kajian keratan rentas ini dijalankan terhadap golongan pekerja di Malaysia secara atas talian melalui media sosial dengan menggunapakai dua borang soal selidik yang telah diterjemah dan divalidasi iaitu Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) dan Job Stress Level Inventory. 447 responden yang layak telah mengambil bahagian dengan median umur 31.0 ± 8.0 tahun. Majoritinya adalah wanita (57.27%), Melayu (91.28%), berkahwin (66.44%), berkelayakan akademik tinggi (86.80%) serta bekerja di Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan (53.47%) dalam sektor Perkhidmatan Awam (59.06%). Majoritinya merasakan pemimpin di tempat kerja mempraktikkan gaya kepimpinan transformasi dan transaksi yang sederhana iaitu masing-masing 51.2% dan 81.7%. Kebanyakan responden mempunyai tahap stres pekerjaan yang sederhana (44.3%). Persepsi gaya kepimpinan transformasi mempunyai hubungan signifikan dan korelasi negatif yang sangat lemah dengan stres pekerjaan (r=-0.182, p<0.05). Persepsi gaya kepimpinan transaksi pulamenunjukkan hubungan signifikan dan korelasi negatif yang sederhana dengan stres pekerjaan (r=-0.554, p<0.05). Gaya kepimpinan dan stres pekerjaan mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan.

Kata kunci: Kepimpinan transformasi; kepimpinan transaksi; stres pekerjaan; Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire; Job Stress Level Inventory




Occupational stress occurs when the job requirement such as leadership style do not meet the capabilities and needs of the worker. It has great impact affecting both employee and organization. Study objective was to determine the prevalence between leadership style and occupational stress among employee and its relationship. Cross-sectional study was carried out through online social media, targetting working adults. Snowballing sampling was employed in which research participants recruited other participants from among their acquaintance. This online survey adopted two Malay-translated and validated survey forms of Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire and Job Stress Level Inventory. There were 447 respondents with median age of 31.0 ± 8.0 years old. Majority were female (57.27%), Malay (91.28%), married (66.44%) with high education qualification (86.80%). Majority worked in Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan (53.47%) and attached to government agencies (59.06%). Data indicates that perceived transformational and transactional leadership styles practiced by leaders at their workplace were at moderate level with both account for 51.2% and 81.7% respectively. Respondent revealed stress level at average level of 44.3%. There was significant relationship with weak negative correlation between transformational leadership and occupational stress (r=-0.182, p<0.05). As for transactional leadership, the relationship was significant with a moderate negatively correlated occupational stress (r=-0.554, p<0.05). Transactional leadership style showed moderate inverse relationshipwith occupational stress as compared to transformational leadership style which had very weak inverse relationship. There was significant correlation between leadership style and occupational stress.

Keywords: Transformational leadership; transactional leadership; occupational stress; Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire; Job Stress Level Inventory

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