Perbankan Berasaskan Pengetahuan: Membudayakan Amalan Pengurusan Pengetahuan (Knowledge-based Banking: Fostering A Knowledge-based Management Culture)

HAFIZI MUHAMAD ALI (Yanbu University College, Arab Saudi,, ZAWIYAH MOHAMMAD YUSOF (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,


Knowledge Management is a relatively new practice in the banking sector. It is the after effect of the financial liberalization of domestic banks depicting the claims that the operation of bank organizations revolves around knowledge. This study analyses the practice of knowledge management from the perspectives of Procurement and Empowerment of knowledge, Training and Mentorship, and Communication and Incentives in the domestic banking sector. Based on the results of a questionnaire survey administered on the human resources management of 10 local commercial banks in Malaysia, four aspects of procurement and empowerment of knowledge, six aspects of training and mentorship, three aspects of communication and two aspects of incentives were analyzed to see the differences. The results proved the hypothesed existence of knowledge management practices in all the four aspects analysed. Firstly, the main items for knowledge management practices in the aspect of procurement and empowerment of knowledge showed that bank organizations procured and used knowledge from industrial associations, competitors, customers and suppliers. Secondly, the aspect of training and mentorship obtained its main items for knowledge management practices by encouraging workers to continue their education through reimbursement of fees for work-related courses. Thirdly, in the aspect of communication, the preparation of written documents such as procurement of benefits, training manuals, positive work practices, and printed articles (organizational knowledge) served as the primary practice for knowledge management. Finally, in the aspect of incentives, knowledge infused financial and non-financial incentives were practiced consistently. In conclusion, bank organizations should accept and practise knowledge management as a new best practice.

Keywords: management, knowledge-based-management banking, management best practice


Pengurusan Pengetahuan merupakan satu praktis yang relatifnya baru dalam sektor perbankan. Kesan penggabungan organisasi perbankan domestik dan liberalisasi kewangan menuntut supaya operasi organisasi perbankan berpaksikan kepada pengetahuan. Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti amalan pengurusan pengetahuan dalam aspek Perolehan dan Penguasaan Pengetahuan, Latihan dan Mentor, Komunikasi dan Insentif dalam sektor perbankan domestik. Kaedah tinjauan yang menggunakan teknik soal selidik untuk pengumpulan data digunakan. Bancian dilakukan terhadap Pengurus Sumber Manusia di 10 buah bank perdagangan tempatan di Malaysia. Empat aspek perolehan dan penguasaan pengetahuan, enam aspek latihan dan mentor, tiga aspek komunikasi dan dua aspek insentif dianalisis untuk melihat perbezaannya. Hipotesis membuktikan kewujudan amalan pengurusan pengetahuan dalam keempat-empat aspek tersebut. Item utama amalan pengurusan pengetahuan dalam aspek perolehan dan penguasaan pengetahuan memperlihatkan organisasi perbankan memperoleh dan menggunakan pengetahuan daripada persatuan industri, pesaing, pelanggan dan pembekal. Aspek latihan dan mentor pula mendapati item utama amalan pengurusan pengetahuan ialah menggalakkan pekerja melanjutkan pendidikan dengan membayar balik yuran bagi kursus yang berkaitan dengan kerja. Manakala, dalam aspek komunikasi, penyediaan dokumen bertulis seperti perolehan faedah, manual latihan, amalan kerja positif, artikel penerbitan (organisasi berpengetahuan) merupakan amalan utama pengurusan pengetahuan. Dalam aspek insentif, insentif kewangan dan bukan kewangan diamal secara konsisten. Kajian ini memotivasikan organisasi perbankan untuk menerima pengurusan pengetahuan sebagai suatu amalan baru yang harus diterapkan.

Kata kunci: pengurusan, pengurusan-berasaskan pengetahuan, perbankan, amalan baik pengurusan

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