Vocabulary and Grammar Gain Through Computer Educational Games

Sara Jalali, Masoumeh Dousti


The increasing use of computers in the past thirty years has encouraged many to investigate their effectiveness as instructional tools. The unquestionable presence of computers in all aspects of human life and the inner desire of human beings to enjoy learning through the use of computer educational games prompt the integration of computer-based games in EFL teaching and learning environments. This study investigated the effect of computer educational games on Iranian elementary learners’ grammar and vocabulary gain. A total of 58 female, who were selected out of 80 elementary institute EFL learners participated in the study. Their age range is between 13-15 one experimental and one control group took part in this study. The study followed a quasi-experimental pre- and post-test design. In order to compare the results of their performance, an independent samples t-test was conducted.  In comparing the pre-test and post-test scores, the results demonstrated no significant differences between the experimental and control groups. However, the involvement of all learners, their enthusiasm to use the new technology in language learning and learners’ positive attitudes toward learning was apparent in the experimental group. The presence of such a high motivation among the learners in experimental group could contribute to their active involvement in the process of learning. This implies that computers have a significant role in motivating learners’ involvement in the learning process.


computer-assisted language learning; computer-based games; technology integration; vocabulary learning; learning grammar learning

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