Advokasi dan penerimaan pengundi terhadap Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP) dalam PRU-13 (Government Transformation Programmes (GTP) and GE 13 : Advocacy and voter acceptance)

Maizatul Haizan Mahbob, Wan Idros Wan Sulaiman


Artikel ini membincangkan inisiatif kerajaan melaksanakan Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP) terhadap birokrasi dan perkhidmatan awam supaya hasilnya benar benar dirasai oleh rakyat. Tumpuan perbincangan diberikan kepada bagaimana advokasi dilakukan dan sejauh mana penerimaan rakyat terhadap program GTP tersebut bagi bidang yang diberi tumpuan. Kajian dijalankan dengan menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan, survei dan perbincangan kumpulan fokus. Hasil kajian mendapati advokasi dilakukan dengan kerap melalui media elektronik, khususnya segmen berita dan iklan, juga melalui media cetak atas talian. Melalui advokasi ini rata-rata responden sedar dan faham tentang GTP. Bagaimanapun penerimaan responden terhadap program GTP adalah pada tahap sederhana sahaja. Mereka memberi reaksi yang pelbagai tentang impak GTP: tiada impak bagi program pembanterasan jenayah dan rasuah; impak minimum bagi usaha mengurangkan kos sara hidup, meningkatkan taraf hidup isi rumah berpendapatan rendah dan meningkatkan tahap penyediaan infrastruktur asas luar bandar; dan impak ketara hanya dikesan terhadap usaha meningkatkan pencapaian pelajar dan pengangkutan awam bandar. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa kerajaan perlu memberi tumpuan kepada usaha meningkatkan kefahaman rakyat tentang GTP dan dasar awam berkaitan supaya mereka lebih mudah menerima dan terlibat dengan program tersebut.

Katakunci: advokasi dasar awam, difusi inovasi, inovasi sosial, komunikasi dasar awam, penerimaan inovasi, Program Transformasi Kerajaan

This article discusses the impact of the Malaysian Government Transformation Programmes (GTP) designed to make the bureaucracy and the civil services more satisfactory to the public. Focus of discussion is on the extent of advocacy and acceptance of the programmes by members of the public and their perception of the GTP outcome. Adopting the methods of content analysis, surveys, and focus group discussions, the study found that advocacy was done frequently through electronic media from categories of news segments and commercials as well as through online print media. Most of the respondents were found to be highly aware of, and did understand the GTP. However, the acceptance level of the GTP was only moderate. Their reaction towards the GTP impacts varied significantly. There was no perceived impact on crime and corruption eradication programmes while a minimum impact was indicated for programmes to reduce the cost of living, to raise the living standards of low-income households, and to upgrade rural infrastructure. A significant impact was only perceived for programmes designed to enhance students’ achievement and urban public transportation. Overall, the findings point to the need for the government to focus on improving the understanding of the people about the GTP so that they would become more receptive of, and engaged with the programmes.

Keywords: acceptance of innovation, diffusion of innovation, public policy advocacy, public policy communication, social innovation, Government Transformation Programmes

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