Pemilikan tanah dalam kalangan masyarakat orang asli: Suatu tinjauan literatur (Land ownership of the indigenous peoples: A literature review)

Nurul Amira Abdul Wahab, Azima Abdul Manaf, Suraiya Ishak, Zaimah Ramli, Zanisah Man


Kesedaran, pemikiran mahupun interaksi kekeluargaan dalam kalangan orang Asli dalam memahami keperluan dalam konteks pemilikan tanah masih belum cukup kukuh. Adanya norma sosial dibentuk dalam kelompok masyarakat berserta identiti dan nilai orang Asli yang tersendiri memerlukan pengaturan melalui peruntukan formal dan undang-undang bagi menyelesaikan sesuatu isu atau konflik berkaitan tanah adat. Hak pemilikan sememangnya penting diperjuangkan untuk mengekalkan kelangsungan hidup dan usaha pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan serta mengatasi persaingan ke atas tanah. Sehubungan itu, artikel ini menjawab persoalan terhadap kepentingan keperluan pemilikan tanah dalam kalangan masyarakat orang Asli. Objektif artikel adalah untuk memberi pemahaman atau justifikasi teliti mengenai keperluan pemilikan tanah dalam kalangan masyarakat orang Asli dengan menggunakan tinjauan literatur naratif yang diadakan berdasarkan data sekunder diperoleh melalui pangkalan data elektronik dan rujukan artikel dan jurnal. Hasil dan perbincangan melalui sorotan karya literatur mendapati bahawa keperluan pemilikan tanah orang Asli terbahagi kepada lima elemen utama. Antaranya merangkumi adat dan identiti (peruntukan formal dan undang-undang, identiti dan nilai), sosial (kesedaran dan pemahaman, interaksi kekeluargaan, norma sosial), ekonomi (pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan, kelangsungan hidup, persaingan ke atas tanah), budaya (melindungi dan mempertingkat kawalan, mengatur tingkah laku), serta kepimpinan dan pemerkasaan (penglibatan dan kerjasama pihak berkepentingan, proses pembuatan keputusan). Kajian ini seterusnya menyumbang kepada sorotan kajian literatur yang sedia ada yang signifikan untuk memahami keperluan pemilikan tanah dalam kalangan orang Asli.


Kata kunci: Orang Asli, pemilikan tanah, pengiktirafan tanah, tanah adat, tinjauan literatur 


Awareness, mindset and family interaction among indigenous peoples in understanding the needs of land ownership is infirm yet. The existence of social norms formed in the community groups with their own identity and values of indigenous people requires arrangements through formal and legal provisions to resolve any issue or conflict related to customary land. Ownerships are indeed important to fight for to ensure its sustainability, to maintain the effort on conservation and preservation as well as to overcome any competition over the land. This article highlights the importance of the need for land ownership among the indigenous community. The objective of this article is to provide understanding and justification of the need for land ownership among the indigenous community by using a narrative literature review which has been conducted based on secondary data obtained through electronic databases and some reference from articles and journals. Based on the narrative literature review, it found that the needs in land ownership can be divided into five main elements. There are tradition and identity (formal and legal provisions, identity and values), social (awareness and understanding, family interaction, social norms), economic (preservation and conservation, sustainability, competition over land), cultural (protecting and enhancing control, regulating behavior), as well as leadership and empowerment (the cooperation and engagement by stakeholders, managerial processes). This study also contributes to the existing literature which are significant for understanding the needs of land ownership among these indigenous people.


Keywords: Indigenous people, land ownership, land recognition, customary land, literature review



Orang Asli, pemilikan tanah, pengiktirafan tanah, tanah adat, tinjauan literatur

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