Three-Dimensional Tetrahedron Network (3D TEN) and Volumetric Geo-Objects (VGO) Data Model for Groundwater Simulation in Bida Basin, Nigeria

Izham Mohamad Yusoff, Ishaku Bashir Yakubu


The presence of complex ground soil structures limits the attempt for groundwater extraction for alternate water supply usage. Hydrologists and engineers have made many attempts to Model 3D groundwater flow and storage using digital elevation model (DEM) data structures but have resulted in limited success in terms of actual 3D subsurface geology representation. This study attempts to construct resistivity data in an actual 3D environment using volumetric geo-objects (VGOs) and 3D tetrahedron network (3D TEN) data structures. Subsurface data were collected using the vertical electrical sounding (VES) approach to analyse the geological structure of the study area. To determine the course and movement of groundwater, the 3D constant was applied from Darcy's law in the Lagrangian technique. A time frame of one hour, two hours, four hours and eight-hour intervals was tested to simulate the porosity and permeability of various soil types with complex geological structures. The findings validated the use of 3D visualisation to model resistivity data. The implemented volumetric geo-object (VGO) data model and the 3D TEN model show the volume of water over the topsoil to be 17,461,228.07 in an hour; clay soil was 870,614.04; clayey sand was 435,307.02; and sandy clays was 348,245.61 per kilometre cube (km3). The use of 3D TEN and VGO for groundwater simulation in this research offers an improved perspective in groundwater visualisation that will promote sustainable groundwater exploration for societal developments. The findings of this study will be beneficial to stakeholders, water resource managers and government agencies such as Ministry of Water Resources.


Keywords: Data model, Groundwater simulation, Three-dimensional tetrahedron network (3D TEN), Vertical electrical sounding (VES), Visualisation, Volumetric geo-objects (VGOs)


Data model, Groundwater simulation, Three-dimensional tetrahedron network (3D TEN), Vertical electrical sounding (VES), Visualisation, Volumetric geo-objects (VGOs)

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