Mohamad Fikri Mohd Bakri, Mohd Roslan Mohd Nor, Shuaibu Umar Gokaru



Imad al-Din Zengi, a military leader of the Seljuk Sultanate, actively resisted the Crusader incursions in the Bilad al-Sham territories during the 12th century AD. Some historians consider Imad al-Din's achievement in reclaiming the city of Edessa from the Crusaders' army as a forerunner to the fight for the liberation of Bayt al-Maqdis. The Zengid Dynasty's administrative hub was situated in Mosul, with Aleppo serving as a strategic stronghold for its military operations. Nevertheless, the initial stages of the Zengid Dynasty's establishment have been mostly overlooked and insufficiently examined. This article provides a comprehensive account of the leadership, accomplishments, and historical development of the Zengid Dynasty in Bilad al-Sham. This study utilizes a qualitative methodology with content analysis on multiple historical texts that were produced during the same period as the Crusader era or the Middle Ages. Through content analysis, the study aims to identify the key themes, narratives, and discourses that shaped the perception of the Zengid Dynasty and its contributions to the revival of the Muslim community in resisting Crusader occupation. The study's findings suggest that Imad al-Din was among the key figures who contributed actively to the revival of the Muslim community by opposing the Crusader occupation of Islamic lands. Additionally, the presence of the Zengid Dynasty played a crucial role in setting the stage for the liberation of Bayt al-Maqdis.

Keywords: Imad al-Din, Zengid, Seljuk, jihad, crusader


Imad al-Din Zengi, seorang pemimpin tentera Kesultanan Seljuk, aktif menentang pencerobohan Tentera Salib di wilayah Bilad al-Sham pada abad ke-12 Masihi. Sebilangan ahli sejarah menganggap kejayaan Imad al-Din dalam menawan semula kota Edessa daripada tentera Salib sebagai pendahulu kepada perjuangan pembebasan Bayt al-Maqdis. Pusat pentadbiran Dinasti Zengid terletak di Mosul, manakala Aleppo berfungsi sebagai kubu strategik untuk operasi ketenteraannya. Walau bagaimanapun, peringkat awal penubuhan Dinasti Zengid sering diabaikan dan kurang diteliti. Artikel ini menyediakan penjelasan menyeluruh mengenai kepimpinan, pencapaian, dan perkembangan sejarah Dinasti Zengid di Bilad al-Sham. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan analisis kandungan terhadap pelbagai teks sejarah yang dihasilkan pada era yang sama dengan zaman Tentera Salib atau Zaman Pertengahan. Melalui analisis kandungan, kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti tema utama, naratif, dan wacana yang membentuk persepsi terhadap Dinasti Zengid serta sumbangannya dalam kebangkitan masyarakat Islam dalam menentang penjajahan Tentera Salib. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa Imad al-Din merupakan salah satu tokoh penting yang secara aktif menyumbang kepada kebangkitan masyarakat Islam dengan menentang penjajahan Tentera Salib di tanah Islam. Selain itu, kehadiran Dinasti Zengid memainkan peranan penting dalam membuka jalan bagi pembebasan Bayt al-Maqdis.

Kata kunci: Imad al-Din, Zengid, Seljuk, jihad, tentera Salib

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