Program Pemulihan Luar Penjara bagi Pesalah Jenayah Syariah: Kajian di Jabatan Penjara Malaysia
Rehabilitation Programme Outside Prison for Syariah Criminal Offenders: A Study in Malaysian Prison Department
Nowadays, prison is not merely a place for offenders to serve sentencing. Rather it becomes an institution that carry a responsibility to rehabilitate, assist and educate the offenders to be a well-disciplined and responsible person when they return back to the society. In the Malaysian context, the rehabilitation process for the criminal offenders is one of the main agendas of the government in the efforts to reduce the crimes rate. The government through the Transformation Plan has emphasized the importance of improving the rehabilitation program not only inside the prison, but also implement various rehabilitation program outside the prison with the aim to prepare the offenders with life after they were released from the prison. This paper engages qualitative method. It refers to the documents relating to Rehabilitation Module, as well as conducts interview with the experts. It focuses on rehabilitation programmes outside prison that have been employed against the Syariah criminal offenders by the Malaysian Prison Department. The paper is significant as it highlights the experience of the Prison Department in developing and implementing rehabilitation module for the offenders outside the prison. The finding of the paper suggests that the development of the rehabilitation module for the Syariah Offender who are serving sentencing outside the prison are just and balance, which covers various aspect ranging from physical, mental, attitude, akhlak and spiritual. However, the implementation of rehabilitation programmes outside prison for Syariah offenders may need to be reviewed on its relevance.
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ISSN 0126-5636 | e-ISSN : 2600-8556
Faculty of Islamic Studies
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan
© Copyright UKM Press, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia