Traumatic Posterior Hip Dislocation in a Child: When is an Anterior Open Reduction Indicated? A Case Report

Harikrishnan KT, Jamil K, Abd Rasid AF, Abdul Rashid AH, Ibrahim S


Traumatic hip dislocations in children are uncommon, occurring in about 5% of all dislocations in children. Neglected hip dislocations are rarer and pose a serious threat to the normal development of the hip with complications of avascular necrosis and unstable gait. Open reduction is usually required, but the most appropriate surgical approach has not been clearly defined. We reported a child with a traumatic posterior hip dislocation who was successfully treated through an anterior approach after a previously failed posterior open reduction. An anterior open reduction of the hip following a previous failed posterior open reduction is a safe procedure and avoids the likelihood of an iatrogenic injury to the sciatic nerve. Pre-operative imaging with a CT scan or MRI is required in neglected cases to visualise intra-articular bone fragments, which can prevent a concentric reduction.


Anterior hip approach; neglected hip dislocation; open reduction; shelf procedure; traumatic posterior hip dislocation

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