Pengumpulan dan Pengagihan Data Remote Sensing: Kajian ke atas Isu Keselamatan Nasional

Ing Hoe Law, Salawati Mat Basir


In the process of collection and dissemination of remote sensing data, national security has been the main issue between the sensing state and sensed state. In order to solve this problem, Principles of Remote Sensing 1986 has been implemented. The national law of each country has also been implemented in order to protect the national security. This article attempts to identify the conflict of principles between the principle of common heritage of mankind which governs the outer space and the principle of sovereignty which governs the earth. In addition, this article also attemps to identify the lacuna in the Principles of Remote Sensing 1986 with regard to the issues of collection and dissemination of remote sensing data. Finally, solutions are suggested to the problems that have been identified.


Keywords: collection, dissemination, data, remote sensing, national security, sense state, sensed state

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