E-Commerce and Consumer Protection: The Importance of Legislative Measures

Sheela Jayabalan


Electronic commerce (e-commerce), the byproduct of growth in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) has revolutionized the manner in which commercial transactions are being carried out the world over. Even though e-commerce is a positive phenomenon, the same cannot be said for the legal protection it accords to consumers who resorts to e-commerce transactions. E-commerce sees the need to include consumer protection into the law because there is no genuine equality in the bargaining strength of the contracting parties. This article using the content analysis method analyses the significance of legislative measures in protecting consumers in e-commerce. The research findings exposed that the current cyber laws does not incorporate consumer protection. Future laws enacted must incorporate consumer protection especially in e-commerce.


electronic commerce, consumer protection, legal protection, cyber laws

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E-Commerce and Consumer Protection: The Importance of Legislative Measures 101


Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Law

University Technology Mara

Shah Alam



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