The Impact of Infidelity on Filipino Family Dynamics and Young Adult Filipino's Self-Concept



Parental infidelity largely influences the quality of relationships in the family. In previous researches, the focus is mainly on the dyadic marital relationship of the couples, subsequently failing to consider how this influences the upbringing and well-being of their children. This study aims to explore how adult Filipino children's discovery of parental infidelity impacted their self-concept. Using purposive sampling, the study involved fourteen (14) participants, seven males, and seven females, who were aware of their parent's infidelity. The research used a semi-structured interview schedule to gather the necessary data. Thematic analysis was used to categorize the data into two major themes: (a) Pre-infidelity Family Dynamics and (b) Impacts of Parental Infidelity. The research utilized Dr. Murray Bowen's Family Systems Theory and Self-Concept Theory by Rogers to analyse the themes and to discuss the results of the study. The research helps explain the differences in the impacts of parental infidelity on the family and on the self-concept. Further implications are discussed in the study.

Keywords: Parental infidelity; Family systems theory; Self-concept; Thematic analysis 

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