Visual Intimacy and Social Connectivity: Tagging and Reposting Instagram Stories Phenomenon in Indonesia
Articulation of emotions and social interactions in everyday life is currently mediated through social media. The practice of tagging and reposting on social media in visual form as part of sharing moments on social media accounts can be seen as a complex social phenomenon. Activities that take place in this digital space involve the construction and maintenance of social interaction through a visual culture that is intertwined with layers of prevailing norms and personal expectations. Understanding this phenomenon is crucial to understanding the meaning and practices of social ties that have important consequences for the way people live and the way they understand the world. This paper explores the dynamics of tagging and reposting Instagram stories in Indonesia. The research is conducted through an ethnographic approach among 8 daily Instagram users. The findings of this study show that tagging and reposting weight in the structuring and preservation of social bonds and relationships. The cultural practice of visual intimacy in social media discloses a multifaceted landscape that influences and shapes current social interactions and relationships. It is intertwined in the dynamics of relationship expectations, representations, and depth in correlation with the quality of the relationship bonds. A symbolic interplay that marks a space for recognition, appreciation, relationship evaluation, as well as the desire to connect in the digital era.
Keywords: Visual intimacy, social ties, tagging, social media, reposting.
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