Gen Z’s Ethical Approaches in Crisis Communication on Social Media: Evidence of Indonesia

Inri Inggrit Indrayani


Digitalization implies accelerating the spread of information, including the information in crisis communication. Crisis information in social media is crucial in the formation of knowledge and change of attitude, particularly for Generation Z, characterized as digital natives and representing the future public face of organizations. This study aims to investigate the ethical perspectives of Generation Z in Indonesia on crisis information on social media. The creation of information as a form of crisis communication was a crucial activity because the image and reputation of the organization were at stake at the time. The method used in this study is a case study that allows researchers to gather varied data. The study uses a qualitative approach by using a collective interview with 15 students in the Z-gen age range. All informants in the study are students with public relations interference in different academic years. The findings indicate that objectivity is a key ethical consideration for Gen Z in shaping information during crisis communication. Additionally, Gen Z empathizes with the public’s demand for transparent and accurate information as a manifestation of an organization’s commitment during crisis periods. Furthermore, Gen Z emphasizes the necessity for regularly updated information throughout all crisis phases, viewing it as a demonstration of good governance and organizational transparency. In conclusion, the research offers recommendations underscoring the importance of constructing pertinent information across all media channels managed by organizations, aligning with the communication style, and characteristics of each stakeholder.


Keywords: Gen Z, crisis communication, ethical approaches, social media, Indonesia.

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