Melly Ridaryanthi, Anindita Susilo, Nevita Kristine


Higher education has provided a set of curriculums to equip graduates with complete skill sets to enter the industry. Hard skills, as well as soft skills, are inseparable components for graduates to acquire. Today’s industries have rapidly changed due to the advancement of technology. Everything is going digital; therefore, graduates have to adapt to the simultaneous and continuous changes. In this situation, intercultural communication competence is one of the skills that will accommodate the fresh graduate to face and overcome challenges in the industry, especially in the VUCA era. All the industrial players should adapt to the working cultures and adopt the advanced technological changes. This study explores the experience of fresh graduates in the industry regarding intercultural communication challenges and their coping strategies to overcome situations. The phases of their adaptation towards the work environment will be addressed as well to understand the context better. Interviews were conducted to understand their field experience which eventually categorized to identify strategies that could accommodate the continuously changing situation. This study will contribute to the preparation of graduates to enter the workforce.

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