Ideation Factors for Health Behaviour to Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)
One of the health problems in Indonesia is the increasing death rate caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs). This problem is related to the increasing number of people who engage in unhealthy behaviours. In the context of health communication, health campaign activities are expected to reduce these problems. This research analyzes the factors that influence health behaviour using a theoretical framework of ideation. Data was collected through a survey method using a self-administered questionnaire. The survey was conducted in Depok City and Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia. The respondents were residents aged fifteen years and over who had been exposed to health promotion campaigns or activities from the various communication channels used. The total sample size was 240 respondents. The variables in this research were education, communication channels, ideation, and health behaviour. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze the empirical data and test the hypotheses. The results of the research demonstrate that the factors that directly influence health behaviour are communication channels and ideation. Education was found to not be able to directly influence health behaviour, but it does use ideation as a mediating variabel. This research also proves that ideation can be a mediating variable in health behaviour. Ideation is a significant factor influencing health behaviour. The findings of this research have implications for health campaign program designers, who should consider incorporating campaign messages that can increase ideation factors to improve public health behaviour and prevent NCDs.
Keywords: Communication channel, health behaviour, health campaign, health communication, ideation.
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