Challenges of Using the ChatGPT Application in Journalism Work
Technology of artificial intelligence (AI) has constantly evolved and become more widely used in various fields. Journalism is one of the tasks that AI technologies can enter and change many of the practices and tasks performed by journalists in newsrooms. The ChatGPT application is considered one of the prime examples of AI applications that have gained widespread popularity and that have brought about many changes in various fields, such as journalism. The use of the ChatGPT application among journalists has started, and despite the benefits, such as saving time and effort, it raises many concerns and challenges that have contributed to limiting the use of this application among journalists. The current study aimed to identify the challenges of using the ChatGPT application among journalists in journalism work. Based on the diffusion of innovations theory, in-depth interviews were conducted with nine Jordanian journalists working in various media institutions in Jordan. The results revealed three main challenges faced by journalists in using the ChatGPT application in their work, which are inaccurate information, lack of responsibility and accountability, and ethical concerns. The study provides further discussions on the application and use of ChatGPT in work. The study recommends conducting more research to understand the impact of AI applications in journalism work.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, journalism, journalistic practice, Jordan.
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