Message Strategies in Cervical Cancer Campaign Posters by the Ministry of Health Malaysia

Noor Sahila Mohamed Sulaiman, Shamsiah Abd Kadir


Cervical cancer is a serious global health problem and continues to be a leading cause of death among women. In Malaysia, although awareness about cervical cancer is increasing, there remains a significant need to improve public understanding of available prevention measures and treatments. To raise public awareness about the importance of early prevention and treatment of cervical cancer, the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) has launched various awareness programs, including posters as a health communication medium. The lack of effective message strategies used by the MOH as interventions in disease prevention efforts within health awareness campaigns is a significant concern in effecting changes in health behaviour. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyse the level of audience engagement and the forms of strategic message used in cervical cancer campaign posters by the MOH based on the Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) theory. Therefore, a quantitative content analysis was used to analyse 16 cervical cancer campaign posters from 2016 to 2023. The study findings indicate that the level of audience engagement showed a positive response of 4,754. Henceforth, for message strategies, “educate about risk” and “educate about solutions” were the most frequently used strategies and applied in the campaign posters, with frequencies of 50% and 31.3%, respectively. This study has achieved all set objectives, and the results from this study can be used as a guide for future researchers and the government in efforts to change people’s behaviour towards the threat of cervical cancer.


Keywords: Cervical cancer, pap smear, EPPM, campaign posters, health communication.

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