Effective or Not? The Crisis Communication in Social Media Indonesia COVID-19 Team Affect Behavioural Intentions to Get Vaccination with Big Data Analysis
The COVID-19 epidemic, the most significant economic crisis to hit the planet in the previous fifty years of human history, is about to occur in 2020, and it saw an equally dire state of affairs in Indonesia's economy as elsewhere. To overcome this crisis, the government marketed the immunization program as a "game changer" for achieving herd immunity and the country's economic revival. Unfortunately, the vaccinations continue to have a low uptake. To avert this, a special committee must be formed to ensure a successful vaccination program to try and carry out various vaccine campaigns to gain full public awareness, one of which is through social media. This research used a mixed methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative research techniques, mainly applied to social science theories and transformative paradigms. This research aims to measure the effectiveness of the COVID-19 team's crisis communication in delivering vaccine campaigns on social media, especially on Twitter, belonging to KPCPEN, a government-made group tasked with carrying out Indonesia's economy. The results show that greater crisis responsibility and response lead to higher behavioural intentions to vaccinate among netizens. Twitter data collection shows that netizens give positive tone tweets about booster vaccinations directed by the government. This is also supported by various communication strategy steps formed by the government so that people know about getting vaccines. Future research could compare remote communities that have difficulty accessing information from the government and measure the effectiveness of how it affects them.
Keywords: Indonesia vaccination, COVID-19, economic recovery, big data, social media.
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