Digital Marketing Strategy Through Social Media: Analysis of the Effectiveness of Health Seminar Promotion on Instagram Account @Indonesianmedicalcenter
This study evaluates the efficacy of digital marketing strategies through social media platforms, focusing on the Instagram account @IndonesianMedicalCenter, in promoting health seminars. With the pervasive influence of social media in contemporary marketing, understanding its effectiveness in health seminar promotion is imperative. Utilizing a quantitative approach and an online survey research design, data were collected from 372 respondents who actively follow @IndonesianMedicalCenter account on Instagram. Purposive sampling technique was employed, allowing researchers to selectively choose respondents deemed most relevant and meaningful for the research. Analysis of the data revealed significant insights into the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies via Instagram. User engagement levels with health seminar promotions were assessed, alongside the influence of promotions on seminar participation and attendance. Additionally, participant perspectives regarding the effectiveness of the promotion were analysed. The findings indicate a noteworthy impact of digital marketing strategies through Instagram on health seminar promotion. Increased user engagement and positive perceptions among participants underscore the effectiveness of social media as a promotional tool for health seminars. The results emphasize the importance of leveraging social media platforms like Instagram for health seminar promotion. Engaging content and clear messaging contribute to increased user engagement and ultimately drive seminar participation. In conclusion, digital marketing strategies through social media, particularly on Instagram (@IndonesianMedicalCenter), emerge as potent tools for promoting health seminars. The findings underscore the significance of utilizing engaging content and clear messaging to enhance user engagement and drive seminar participation.
Keywords: Digital marketing strategy, social media, Instagram, promotion, health seminar.
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