The Implementation of Communication Strategy on the BIONS YouTube Channel in Introducing Health Communication in the Digitalization Era
YouTube has become a widely used platform for accessing entertainment, information, and news without duration limits. Given the poor quality of some health-related content on YouTube, it is necessary to conduct research to improve health education communication standards on the platform. This study employs a qualitative case study approach to explore the application of the AIDDA Model in enhancing communication on the YouTube channel Inspirational Online Talk (BIONS) Series, specifically episodes 136-141, which focus on health communication. The AIDDA Model encompasses five stages: Attention, by sharing updated information on social media; Interest, by featuring expert sources; Desire, through a persuasive, friendly approach and prize draws to encourage interaction; Decisions, by considering viewer responses as social proof of the channel's credibility; and Action, indicated by audience engagement through likes, comments, subscriptions, and shares. The study reveals that BIONS effectively enhances health communication by adhering to these stages. Key factors for successful communication strategies on BIONS include the accuracy of information, audience engagement, creative presentations, and easy-to-understand language. Additionally, the research underscores the need to continually update video topics by identifying relevant subjects, monitoring trends, and using credible sources to ensure accuracy and sustainability. This responsible approach highlights the importance of fact-checking and combating misinformation in the digital era.
Keywords: Communication strategy, health communication, AIDDA Model, YouTube, education.
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