Jurnal Kejuruteraan (Journal of Engineering)

Jurnal Kejuruteraan (Journal of Engineering) is published by UKM Press (Penerbit UKM). It is a medium provided by the Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia to publish scholarly articles by the research community all over the region in the world. It is a rigorously refereed publication devoted to the dissemination of research findings and application in all aspects of engineering and technology. It also provides a unique source of information on the research activities and trends in technology in Asia and all over the region in the world.

The journal is international in both scope and outlook having contributors drawn from a wide range of countries. Members of the editorial board are themselves leading experts, practitioners, professionals and academics in various fields of engineering. All full length submitted papers will go through a rigorous peer/editorial review process prior acceptance to ensure originality, relevance and the highest standards. Papers will be accepted for publication on the basis of quality and originality of the work besides style and presentation.

Starting 2024, Article Processing Charge (APC) will be implemented on all accepted manuscripts. APC for Regular Issues is RM500 (local authors) and USD150 (international authors). APC is charged based on the corresponding author’s affiliation.

Jurnal Kejuruteraan is an open access journal welcomes submission of high quality technical (original research) and review papers. In 2023, Jurnal Kejuruteraan received its first Impact Factor score of 0.60 based on JCR2023. This journal publishes six (6) issues per year and indexed in Web of Science (WoS-ESCI), MyJurnal, MyCite, DOAJ, Google Scholar and others. For more details on submission guidelines, APC, indexing and publication, please visit Jurnal Kejuruteraan’s official website: www.ukm.my/jkukm.


Subject areas suitable for publication are as follows:

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Architecture and Built Environment
  • Civil Engineering
  • Engineering Education
  • Engineering Management


ISSN:0128-0198   e-ISSN : 2289-7526



Implementation of Article Processing Charge (APC)

Implementation of Article Processing Charge (APC) starting 2024  
Posted: 2023-08-08 More...
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