Democracy as Simulacrum: Incredulity towards the Metanarrative of Emancipation in Ian McEwan’s Saturday

Seyed Javad Habibi


Laying bare simulacrum–oriented aspect of the western democracy in the contemporary world within almost single day--15 September 2003-- is what McEwan highlights in his novel Saturday (2005). To substantiate this hypothesis, the compatibility between Lyotard’s definition of postmodernism (incredulity towards metanarrative of emancipation) and the contemporary assumption of democracy are dovetailed to frame the argument concerning incredulity towards the metanarrative of emancipation. Then, based on this backbone, the speculation of postmodern democracy as simulacrum gets developed. The concluding section of this study deals with the ramification of dominating “simulative democracy” that is hegemonic control: a phenomenon, which according to Baudrillard, begets terrorism.

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