KONSTRUKSI MEME DI LAMAN SOSIAL TERHADAP ISU SEMASA (Meme construction of current issues on social networks)

Faizul Nizar Bin Anuar, Fauziah Ahmad, Sabariah Mohamed Salleh


Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada Konstruksi genre meme di laman sosial terhadap isu. Saodah Wok et. al (2005), menyatakan bahawa terdapat pelbagai kesan media terhadap para penerimanya. Keadaan ini boleh di lihat dengan jelas pada awalan tahun 1930-an hingga 1940-an di mana media di lihat begitu berkuasa sehingga sesiapa sahaja mampu terpengaruh dengannya. Justeru itu, kandungan maklumat serta isu-isu yang berlaku telah merancakkan lagi penghasilan meme di laman sosial sehingga membentuk pelbagai jenis genre meme yang wujud pada hari ini. Kajian ini akan melihat jenis-jenis meme yang wujud akibat daripada isu-isu ataupun kontroversi yang berlaku. Selain itu, kajian ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan kaedah kualitatif iaitu melalui temubual secara perbincangan kumpulan sasaran (Focus Group Discussion). Teori yang digunakan adalah Teori Kebergantungan Media (Media Dependency Theory) oleh Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach dan Melvin DeFleur (1976). Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat pelbagai jenis genre meme yang wujud akibat daripada peristiwa ataupun isu-isu kontroversi yang telah berlaku di dalam mahupun luar negara, antaranya adalah seperti meme bergenre politik, cinta, sukan, kekeluargaan, keganasan dan beberapa genre lain lagi. Keadaan ini dapat disimpulkan bahawa kebergantungan masyarakat terhadap media massa, secara tidak langsung mampu mencorak dan membentuk genre meme yang terhasil pada hari ini.


This research will be focused on the meme genre construction on social networks against issue. Saodah Wok et. al (2006) stated there were several medium effects to the benefactors. These could be witnessed as early as 1930's until 1940's where mass medium was powerful enough to influence people. Alas, information contents together with issues arose intensified the making of the meme genre on social network platforms until they had successfully formed multiplication of various meme genres that exist today. Moreover, this research will be narrowed down to the existence of meme genres either by issues or controversies occurences. Beside that, this research had undergone qualitative methodology which was facilitated through talks (Focus Group Discussion). A theory that was used in this talks was Media Dependancy Theory by Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach and Melvin DeFleur (1976). The outcome of this research revealed that there were many meme genre types in existence today due to historic or controversial issues that happened either domestically or internationally. Politics, love and family affairs, sports, violence and other few were among genres that had greatly influenced the meme genres construction. These occasions can be concluded that committee's reliance on the mass medium indirectly influenced the direction of meme genres as well as forming them.

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eISSN 1823-884x

Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan

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