Tahap Pengetahuan Patriotisme Pemimpin Sekolah Agama di Malaysia

Mohd Nashahrudin Mat Daud, Mohd Sobhi Ishak


Dewasa ini wujud pelbagai bentuk tindakan dan provokasi yang bertentangan dengan budaya dan nilai patriotisme dalam kalangan masyarakat Malaysia terutama golongan pemimpin sekolah yang dikatakan tidak patriotik. Makalah ini memberi tumpuan mengenai kesedaran pemimpin sekolah agama yang terdiri daripada Sekolah Menengah Agama (SMA), Sekolah Bantuan Agama Kerajaan (SABK) terhadap tahap pengetahuan pemimpin sekolah agama berkenaan pengetahuan nilai patriotisme. Masalah kurangnya kesedaran terhadap nilai patriotisme sudah tentu akan menggugat dan menghalang penerapan, pemupukan nilai dan semangat patriotisme sebagai unsur pembentukan sebuah negara bangsa Malaysia yang harmonis dan bersatu padu. Seramai 263 pemimpin sekolah agama di Malaysia terlibat dalam kajian ini. Hasil kajian ini diperoleh melalui soal selidik yang dianalisis secara deskiptif. Keseluruhan pengukuran intsrumen iaitu konsep patriotisme dan patriotisme dalam perlembagaan yang menjadi konstruk utama untuk menilai tahap pengetahuan pemimpin sekolah agama berkenaan patriotisme. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa kesedaran pemimpin sekolah agama terhadap nilai patriotisme adalah tinggi. Tahap kesedaran pemimpin sekolah terhadap patriotisme dalam perlembagaan juga tinggi dan menunjukkan bahawa pemimpin sekolah agama yang berjiwa patriotik mampu menjadi faktor perantara atau agen perubahan terhadap ikatan perpaduan masyarakat dan murid-murid pelbagai etnik di Malaysia.

Kata Kunci: Patriotisme, Perpaduan, Pemimpin Sekolah Agama.

Abstract: Nowadays, there are various forms of actions and provocations that are against the culture and values of patriotism among the Malaysian community, especially school leaders who are said to be unpatriotic. This paper focuses on the awareness of religious school leaders which consists of Religious Secondary Schools (SMA), Government Religious Aid Schools (SABK) regarding the level of knowledge of religious school leaders regarding the knowledge of patriotism. The problem of lack of awareness of the value of patriotism will certainly challenge and prevent the application, nurturing of values and the spirit of patriotism as an element in the formation of a harmonious and united Malaysian nation. A total of 263 religious school leaders in Malaysia were involved in this study. The results of this study were obtained through a questionnaire that was analyzed descriptively. The overall measurement of the instrument, which is the concept of patriotism and patriotism in the constitution, which is the main construct to assess the level of knowledge of religious school leaders regarding patriotism. The results of this study show that the religious school leadership's awareness of the value of patriotism is high. The level of school leaders' awareness of patriotism in the constitution is also high and shows that religious school leaders who are patriotic are capable of being an intermediary factor or agent of change towards the bond of community unity and students of various ethnicities in Malaysia.

Keywords: Patriotism, Unity, Religious School Leaders


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17576/ebangi.2022.1907.10


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eISSN 1823-884x

Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan

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