Kecemerlangan Tamadun Islam di Andalus berdasarkan Teori ‘Umran Ibn Khaldun

Suhaila Abdullah, Nurliyana Mohd Talib


Kecemerlangan tamadun Islam di Andalus pada penghujung abad ke-10 Masihi mencatatkan pencapaian terhebat di bawah pemerintahan kerajaan Islam Andalus dari aspek politik, ekonomi, sosial dan keilmuan. Malah, pencapaian tersebut turut diakui oleh Ibn Khaldun dalam karya penulisan beliau berjudul Muqaddimah. Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti faktor-faktor yang membawa kepada kecemerlangan tamadun Islam di Andalus berdasarkan teori ‘umran Ibn Khaldun. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif menerusi kajian kepustakaan dan metode analisis kandungan ke atas sumber-sumber primer dan sekunder. Hasil daripada kajian yang dilakukan mendapati bahawa antara faktor yang menyumbang kepada kecemerlangan tamadun Islam di Andalus ialah sistem pemerintahan yang sistematik dan efektif, kemajuan dalam bidang ekonomi, pembangunan bandar yang kondusif dan selamat, toleransi antara pelbagai bangsa dan agama serta naungan pihak istana terhadap aktiviti keilmuan. Faktor-faktor ini adalah selari dengan teori ‘umran yang diketengahkan oleh Ibn Khaldun di dalam kitab karangannya berjudul Muqaddimah.

Kata kunci: tamadun Islam; andalus; ‘Umran; Ibn Khaldun; muqaddimah

Abstract: The excellence of Islamic civilization achieved in Andalus at the end of the 10th century AD had recorded great achievements especially in terms of politics, economy, as well as social and scholarly activities. In fact, these achievements were also recognized by Ibn Khaldun in his work entitled Muqaddimah. Therefore, this study aims to examine the factors that led to the excellence of Islamic civilization in Andalus based on Ibn Khaldun's theory of ‘umran. This study uses a qualitative approach through literature review and content analysis methods on primary and secondary sources. The results of the study found that there were factors contributing to the excellence of Islamic civilization in Andalus such as a systematic and effective government system, progress in economic activities, conducive and safe urban development, tolerance of races and religions, and support for scholarly activities. These factors are also among the elements highlighted by Ibn Khaldun through his ‘umran theory discussed in his book, Muqaddimah.

Keywords: Islamic civilization; andalus; ‘Umran; Ibn Khaldun; muqaddimah


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