Gender dan Ruang Pekerjaan: Persepsi Pegawai Rendah Polis Terhadap Kepimpinan Pegawai Kanan Polis Wanita

Azlina Talib, Nur Hafizah Yusoff


Gaya kepimpinan merupakan suatu keperluan dalam membina kekuatan organisasi terutama dalam memimpin komitmen pekerja ke arah menuju dan mencapai matlamat yang ingin dicapai bersama. Gaya kepimpinan yang berkesan merupakan nadi dalam organisasi untuk mencapai sesuatu matlamat organisasi sekaligus meningkatkan komitmen pekerja terhadap organisasi. Kajian ini memberi tumpuan kepada pemimpin polis wanita dengan kualiti feminine mereka yang semulajadi, boleh bertindak sebagai agen perubahan dalam mengurangkan isu-isu, konflik dan masalah yang berkaitan kemasyarakatan dan negara. Pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kaedah soal selidik telah digunakan dan seramai 221 responden kajian terdiri daripada pegawai rendah polis IPD Putrajaya telah dipilih sebagai responden kajian. Data dianalisis dan dipserembahkan secara statistik deskripsi dan statistik inferensi. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat empat dimensi gaya kepimpinan dalam pegawai kanan polis di IPD Putrajaya yang menjadi teras keberkesanan dan kejayaan sesebuah organisasi. Kajian ini juga menunjukkan keempat-empat dimensi tersebut iaitu dimensi gaya kepimpinan demokratik, gaya transformasi, gaya laszie-faire dan gaya autokratik adalah penting  dan perlu diseimbangkan bagi mencapai kejayaan sesebuah organisasi. Walau bagaimanapun, rata-rata responden bersetuju bahawa pegawai kanan polis wanita di IPD Putrajaya lebih cenderung ke arah gaya kepimpinan transformasi. Justeru itu, melalui kepimpinan transformasi ini diharapkan ianya dapat membawa Polis Diraja Malaysia ke tahap pengurusan kepolisan bertaraf dunia.

Kata kunci: gender, kepimpinan, organisasi, pekerjaan, sosiologi, wanita.

Abstract: Leadership style is a necessity in building organizational strength, especially in leading employee commitment towards and achieving the goals to be achieved together. Effective leadership style is the pulse in the organization to achieve an organizational goal while increasing employee commitment to the organization. This study focuses on women police leaders with their natural feminine qualities, can act as agents of change in reducing issues, conflicts and problems related to society and the state. A quantitative approach using the research question method has been used and 221 respondents of the study consisting of low-ranking IPD Putrajaya police officers have been selected as respondents of the study. The data were analyzed and presented by descriptive statistics and inference statistics. The results of the study found that there are four dimensions of leadership style in police officers in IPD Putrajaya that become the core of the success and success of an organization. This study also shows that the four dimensions namely democratic leadership style, transformation style, laissez-faire style and autocratic style are important and need to be balanced to achieve the success of an organization. However, the average respondent agreed that female police officers in IPD Putrajaya are more inclined towards the transformation leadership style. Therefore, through this transformative leadership it is hoped that it will be able to bring the Royal Malaysia Police to the level of world class policing management.

Keywords: Gender; leadership; organization; works; sociology; women


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