Hubungan Amalan Pembangunan Profesionalisme Berterusan Guru dengan Kualiti PdPc Guru di Sarawak
Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia telah mengambil pelbagai inisiatif untuk meningkatkan kualiti pengajaran guru, namun masih terdapat guru yang tidak menekankan kualiti dalam pembelajaran dan pemudahcaraan (PdPc). Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara amalan pembangunan profesionalisme berterusan guru (PPBG) dengan kualiti pembelajaran dan pemudahcaraan (PdPc) guru sekolah rendah di Sarawak. Amalan PPBG mempunyai lima dimensi iaitu tahap profesional, percubaan, refleksi dan maklum balas, kolaborasi rakan dan kolaborasi sekolah, manakala kualiti PdPc guru mempunyai tiga dimensi; perancangan PdPc, pelaksanaan PdPc dan pentaksiran PdPc, di mana setiap dimensi mempunyai peranannya tersendiri. Seramai 113 orang guru terlibat sebagai responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 29 (SPSS) bagi melihat tahap dan hubungan kedua-dua pemboleh ubah. Dapatan menunjukkan bahawa tahap amalan PBBG adalah pada tahap tinggi manakala kualiti PdPc guru pula adalah pada tahap sangat tinggi. Keputusan juga menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara amalan PPB guru dengan kualiti PdPc guru. Dari segi implikasinya, kajian ini menunjukkan kepentingan penekanan terhadap amalan PPBG dalam meningkatkan kualiti PdPc guru di sekolah rendah. Dapatan kajian ini boleh digunakan oleh pihak berkepentingan dalam pendidikan untuk merancang dan melaksanakan program pembangunan profesional yang lebih berkesan bagi meningkatkan kualiti pengajaran guru.
Kata kunci: Pembangunan profesionalisme berterusan; Pembelajaran dan pemudahcaraan; Kualiti pengajaran guru; Guru; CPD; PdPc
Abstract: The Ministry of Education Malaysia has taken various initiatives to improve the quality of teacher instruction, yet there are still teachers who do not emphasize quality in learning and facilitation (LF). This study aims to examine the relationship between teachers' continuous professional development (CPD) practices and the quality of LF among primary school teachers in Sarawak. Teachers' CPD practices have five dimensions: professional level, experimentation, reflection and feedback, peer collaboration, and school collaboration, while the quality of teachers' LF has three dimensions: PdPc planning, PdPc implementation, and PdPc assessment, each dimension having its own role. A total of 113 teachers participated as respondents. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 29 (SPSS) to examine the level and relationship of both variables. The findings show that the level of teachers' CPD practices is high, while the quality of teachers' PdPc is very high. The results also indicate that there is a relationship between teachers' CPD practices and the quality of their PdPc. In terms of its implications, this study demonstrates the importance of emphasizing CPD practices in improving the quality of LF among primary school teachers. The findings of this study can be utilized by education stakeholders to plan and implement more effective professional development programs to enhance the quality of teacher instruction.
Keywords: Continuous professional development; learning and facilitation; teaching quality; teachers; CPD; PdPc
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