Keberhasilan Pembasmian Kemiskinan Melalui Agihan Zakat Bantuan Modal Perniagaan (Eradicating Poverty Outcome Through Business Capital Aids of Zakat Distribution)

Ainin Sofiya Mohamad Halim, Suraiya Ishak, Ahmad Raflis Che Omar, Zurinah Tahir, Hamdino Hamdan


Abstrak: Zakat merupakan satu daripada lima rukun Islam yang yang wajib dilaksanakan oleh setiap individu Muslim yang memenuhi syarat tertentu. Agihan zakat telah diperluaskan dalam bentuk produktif iaitu skim bantuan modal perniagaan bagi membina potensi asnaf fakir dan miskin yang berkelayakan bagi meningkatkan taraf ekonomi mereka secara mampan. Objektif kajian adalah untuk mengenal pasti dan mendeskripsi bentuk nilai tambah program Usahawan Asnaf terhadap pemerkasaan potensi ekonomi serta mengukur tahap peningkatan taraf ekonomi usahawan asnaf terlibat berasaskan Teori Modal Insan. Pengumpulan data telah dilakukan melalui edaran soal selidik melibatkan 40 orang usahawan asnaf yang dipilih melalui teknik persampelan bukan kebarangkalian jenis teknik persampelan bertujuan. Data kajian dianalisis secara deskriptif melalui nilai kecenderungan terpusat iaitu min dan sisihan piawai. Hasil kajian mendapati nilai tambah program Usahawan Asnaf terhadap pemerkasaan potensi ekonomi usahawan anaf, berlaku dalam bentuk peningkatan kemahiran keusahawanan, ketersediaan sumber modal perniagaan dan peluang pemasaran produk. Tahap peningkatan taraf ekonomi usahawan asnaf menunjukkan tahap pencapaian yang tinggi. Dapatan ini membuktikan pelaksanaan agihan zakat dalam bentuk program keusahawanan asnaf dapat mengurangkan kemiskinan jangka masa panjang bagi kelompok asnaf yang mempunyai kemampuan berniaga selari dengan Teori Modal Insan.

Abstract: Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam compulsory to each Muslim who have fulfilled the specific requirements. Zakat distribution has been expanded in the productive form of business capital aids to develop the potential of qualified asnaf from the needy and poor category to enhance their economic level a sustainable manner. The objective of the study is to identify and describe the form of value added of asnaf entrepreneurial program towards the empowerment of economic potential as well as to measure the economic status of the asnaf entrepreneurs based on the Human Capital Theory. The data collection has been conducted through distribution of questionnaire involving 40 asnaf entrepreneurs selected through the non-probability sampling namely the purposive sampling. The data are analysed descriptively by the central tendency values which are the mean and standard deviation. The study findings show asnaf entrepreneurial program value added for asnaf economic potential empowerment has occurred in the form of increased entrepreneurial competencies, availability of business resources and product market opportunities. The level of economic status of the asnaf entrepreneurs show high achievement scores. The findings proved that zakat distribution in the form of asnaf entrepreneurial program can reduce poverty among asnaf who possess business capabilities in long run in line with Human Capital Theory.


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