Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Praktis (KAP) Komuniti Pekebun Kecil Koko (KPKK) berkaitan Malaysian Good Agricultural Practices (MyGAP) (Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices (KAP) of Smallholders Cocoa Farmer’s Community (SCFC) Regarding Malaysian Good Agricultural Practices (MyGAP))
Pembangunan sektor pertanian merupakan strategi Lembaga Koko Malaysia (LKM) bagi membantu komuniti pekebun kecil koko (KPKK) menjana pendapatan dan membasmi kemiskinan. KPKK berhadapan dengan isu produktiviti koko dari segi kualiti dan kuantiti. Rentetan itu, LKM melaksana program peningkatan produktiviti koko dengan hasrat agar pematuhan amalan pertanian baik (MyGAP) boleh diterapkan dalam KPKK. Tetapi, kesedaran komuniti menerima MyGAP yang dibawa oleh LKM masih kurang dalam kajian susastera. Sehubungan itu, objektif kajian bertujuan mengenal pasti tahap pengetahuan, sikap dan praktis KPKK dalam konteks GAP. Kajian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan penyelidikan tinjauan dilaksanakan ke atas 195 orang KPKK. Borang soal selidik digunakan sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Teknik bancian digunakan ke atas taburan responden yang merangkumi daerah zon Pantai Timur Sabah. Landasan teoritikal kajian ialah Model KAP untuk mengukur tahap pengetahuan, sikap dan praktis responden terhadap APB. Kajian menunjukkan majoriti pekebun kecil merupakan generasi pertama penanam koko, berumur lingkungan 51 sehingga 60 tahun dan berpengalaman 1 hingga 20 tahun dalam bidang pertanian. Tahap amalan pertanian baik (APB) menunjukkan nilai min tertinggi oleh praktis (min 4.20). Diikuti, dengan tahap sikap (min 4.08) dan tahap pengetahuan (min 4.01) oleh KPKK. Implikasi kajian menyumbang kepada pengkayaan ilmu pembangunan komuniti dan sosiologi pertanian melalui pelaksanaan GAP agar sekuriti makanan negara ditingkatkan melalui komoditi koko.
Kata kunci: Sosiologi pertanian; pembangunan komuniti; koko; Sabah; Amalan Pertanian Baik
Abstract: The development of the agricultural sector is a strategic approach by the Malaysian Cocoa Board (MCB) to support the smallholder cocoa farmers’ community (SCFC) in generating income and alleviating poverty. (SCFC) faces productivity issues in cocoa production, in terms of both quality and quantity. Consequently, MCB has implemented a cocoa productivity enhancement program to encourage the adoption of Malaysian good agricultural practices (MyGAP) among (SCFC). However, literature suggests that awareness and acceptance of MyGAP within the community remain low. Thus, this study aims to identify the knowledge, attitude, and practice levels of (SCFC) within the MyGAP context. A quantitative study was conducted using a survey research approach on 195 (SCFC) members, utilizing a questionnaire as the data collection tool. The census technique was applied to respondents across the East Coast zone of Sabah. The study employs the KAP Model as its theoretical foundation to measure respondents’ knowledge, attitude, and practices toward MyGAP. Findings indicate that the majority of smallholders are first-generation cocoa farmers, aged between 51 and 60 years, with 1 to 20 years of experience in agriculture. The highest mean score for good agricultural practices (GAP) was observed in practice (mean = 4.20), followed by attitude (mean = 4.08), and knowledge (mean = 4.01) among (SCFC). This study contributes to community development knowledge by implementing MyGAP, thereby enhancing national food security through the cocoa commodity.
Keywords: Agricultural sociology; community development; cocoa; Sabah; Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
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