Cabaran dalam menguruskan pendatang asing tanpa izin di depot tahanan imigresen Malaysia (Challenges in managing illegal immigrants in Malaysian immigration detention center)

Nurina Awanis Mohamed, Mohd Na’eim Ajis, Zawiyah Md. Zain


Kebanyakan negara maju menggunakan pendekatan depot tahanan sebagai instrumen utama dalam mengawal dan mengusir pendatang asing tanpa izin (PATI). Instrumen ini turut dipraktikkan di negara-negara membangun, termasuklah Malaysia. Terdapat beberapa prosedur dan standard yang perlu dipatuhi oleh pihak kerajaan dalam menguruskan tahanan yang melibatkan PATI seperti yang termaktub dalam peruntukan undang-undang antarabangsa. Namun, peruntukan undang-undang tersebut kadang-kala sukar untuk dipenuhi disebabkan oleh beberapa kekangan dan masalah yang terpaksa dihadapi. Kertas kerja ini dilakukan bertujuan bagi meneliti cabaran yang terpaksa dihadapi dalam menguruskan PATI yang ditahan di depot tahanan imigresen. Penelitian kajian hanya tertumpu di depot tahanan Belantik di Sik, Kedah. Bagi mencapai objektif kajian ini, kaedah kualitatif berbentuk temu bual secara mendalam digunakan melibatkan beberapa pegawai di depot tahanan Belantik. Selain itu, kajian turut menggunakan kaedah perbincangan secara berkumpulan melibatkan 150 orang tahanan. Hasil temu bual mendapati bahawa terdapat lima cabaran yang dihadapi oleh pihak imigresen dalam menguruskan tahanan, iaitu menyediakan kemudahan penginapan, proses mengenal pasti identiti tahanan, kesukaran untuk berkomunikasi dengan tahanan, sistem teknologi yang terhad dan sering mengalami masalah ketiadaan bekalan air. Kesimpulannya, kerajaan perlu membuat pemantauan di setiap depot tahanan dari semasa ke semasa bagi memastikan pihak depot tahanan tidak menghadapi sebarang masalah kritikal. Hal ini sekaligus dapat memenuhi standard seperti yang telah diperuntukkan dalam undang-undang hak asasi antarabangsa.

Kata kunci: cabaran, depot tahanan, pendatang asing tanpa izin, pengurusan, tahanan, undang-undang antarabangsa


Most developed countries use the immigration detention center as the main instrument in controlling and expelling illegal immigrants. This instrument is also practiced in developing countries including Malaysia. There are some procedures and standards that the government should adhere to in managing detainees involving illegal immigrants as enshrined in the provisions of international law.  However, the provisions of the law are sometimes difficult to fulfill due to some constraints and problems encountered. This paper is aimed at examining the challenges faced in managing illegal immigrants being detained in immigration detention centers. The study was only concentrated in the immigration detention center of Belantik, Sik, Kedah. To achieve the objective of this study, qualitative methods of in-depth interviews were used involving several officers at the Belantik detention center. In addition, researchers also used a focus group approach involving 150 detainees. The results of the interviews revealed that control over the influx of detainees, the process of identifying detainees, the difficulty of communicating with detainees, limited technology systems and the regular water supply problems was among the five challenges that had been faced by the immigration detention center. In conclusion, the government needs to monitor every immigration detention center from time to time to ensure that the detention center does not face any critical issues, whilst meeting the standards as stipulated in international human rights law.

Keywords: challenge, immigration detention center, illegal immigrants, management, detainees, international law

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