Volatiliti tren harga pasaran harta tanah hakisan pantai dan harta tanah persisiran pantai (Volatility of market price trends for coastal erosion properties and properties along the coastline)

Masfaliza Mohsen, Norngainy Mohd Tawil, Khairul Nizam Abdul Maulud, Siti Rosemawar Mohd Sahi, Zulkhairy Affandy Mohd Zaki


Hakisan pantai merupakan masalah global yang memberikan impak kepada harga pasaran harta tanah dan juga kesan langsung dan tidak langsung hampir kepada negara, komuniti dan alam sekitar.  Zon pantai di Malaysia sepanjang 4,809 kilometer dan dianggarkan melebihi 30 peratus daripada panjang pantai terjejas akibat hakisan pantai. Negeri Johor merupakan kedua tertinggi di Malaysia mengalami hakisan pantai dengan jumlah jarak 234.8 km dan negeri tertinggi bilangan kawasan hakisan pantai melibatkan 29 buah lokasi. Dapatan penyelidikan terdahulu menunjukkan kesan hakisan pantai mengakibatkan penurunan harga harta tanah terutama berhampiran garis pantai atau di kawasan terdedah risiko hakisan. Penemuan penyelidikan terdahulu menunjukkan harga harta tanah menurun antara 1 peratus hingga 52 peratus bergantung jarak dan kadar hakisan. Penyelidikan bertujuan mengukur tren harga pasaran harta tanah terlibat hakisan pantai. Seterusnya, menganalisa tren beza harga pasaran harta tanah terlibat hakisan pantai dengan harga pasaran di persisiran pantai. Kaedah Kuantitatif digunakan sebagai kaedah penyelidikan bagi pengumpulan data. Data transaksi harga pindahmilik jual beli harta tanah yang diperolehi dari Jabatan Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta (JPPH) Malaysia dikumpulkan dan dianalisa untuk mengukur tren pergerakan harga pasaran harta tanah yang terlibat hakisan pantai dan harta tanah di persisiran pantai selama 15 tahun (2009 - 2023) fokus di Batu Pahat melibatkan Mukim Minyak Beku, Kampung Bahru, Sungai Punggor dan Sungai Kluang. Penemuan penyelidikan sepanjang tempoh 2009 – 2023 (15 tahun) membuktikan harga pindahmilik jual beli harta tanah hakisan pantai lebih rendah sebanyak 32.88 peratus hingga 92.54 peratus dari harga pindahmilik jual beli harta tanah di persisiran pantai kecuali pada tahun 2013, 2016 dan 2017 menunjukkan hasil dapatan sebaliknya. Ini membuktikan kesan hakisan pantai secara drastiknya mempengaruhi harga pasaran harta tanah di Batu Pahat. Penyelidikan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kefahaman kepada masyarakat dan para pemain industri harta tanah berkenaan kesan harga pasaran harta tanah akibat hakisan pantai.


Kata kunci: Hakisan pantai, harga pasaran, harta tanah hakisan pantai, harta tanah persisiran pantai


Coastal erosion is a global problem that has an impact on the market price of real estate as well as direct and indirect impacts on countries, communities and the environment. The coastal zone in Malaysia is 4,809 kilometres long, and it is estimated that more than 30 percent of the beach's length is affected by coastal erosion. Johor is the second highest in Malaysia to experience coastal erosion, with a total distance of 234.8 km, and the state has the highest number of coastal erosion areas involving 29 locations. Previous research findings have shown that the effects of coastal erosion have decreased property value, especially near the coastline or in areas prone to erosion risk. Previous research findings have shown that property prices decline between 1 percent and 52 percent depending on distance and erosion rates. The research aims to measure the market price trend of properties affected by coastal erosion. Next, the difference trend between the market price of properties affected by coastal erosion and those located on the coast will be analyzed. The Quantitative Method is used as a research method for data collection. Data on property transfer price transactions obtained from the Department of Valuation and Property Services (JPPH) Malaysia was collected and analysed to measure the trend of market price movements of properties affected by coastal erosion and those located on the coast for 15 years (2009 to 2023), focusing on the Batu Pahat involving Mukim Minyak Beku, Kampung Bahru, Sungai Punggor and Sungai Kluang. Research findings during the period 2009 – 2023 (15 years) prove that the transfer price of coastal erosion property is 32.88 percent to 92.54 percent lower than the transfer price of coastal property except in 2013, 2016, and 2017, which showed the opposite result. This proves that coastal erosion drastically affects the market price of properties in the Batu Pahat district. This research is expected to provide an understanding to the public and real estate industry players regarding the market value of coastal erosion real estate.


Keywords: Coastal erosion, market price, properties affected by coastal erosion, properties located on coastal erosion


Hakisan pantai, harga pasaran, harta tanah hakisan pantai, harta tanah persisiran pantai (Coastal erosion, market price, properties affected by coastal erosion, properties located on coastal erosion)

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