Chemicals Industry’s Initiatives for Corporate Social Responsibility: Some Perspectives from Academia (Inisiatif Industri Kimia untuk Tanggungjawab Korporat Sosial: Perspektif dari Ahli Akademik)



ABSTRACT: Chemicals industry is likely to become increasingly relevant in Malaysia. The government is playing its active role in regulating and enforcing legislation to monitor the activities throughout the chemical lifecycle. Chemicals industry itself is also ought to manage the risks associated with their activities through a holistic risk management framework. With the implementation of global regulations and policies, it is able to increase the competitiveness of chemicals industry in the global market and enhance protection of human health and the environment. Today’s chemicals industry should not merely focus on maximize their profit and meeting the needs of shareholders, focus should also be devoted to their social and environmental performances and meeting the needs of other key stakeholders including the community, customers, suppliers, and employees. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) thus has become a concern for chemicals industry. Various CSR emblematic initiatives, namely Responsible Care (RC), Product Stewardship (PS) and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) have been carrying out within chemicals industry. The implementation of such initiatives has become a way for chemical companies to advance social progress while also making a profit, and ultimately becomes a way for many businesses to sustain over the long-term.

Keywords: Chemicals industry; corporate social responsibility; responsible care


ABSTRAK: Industri kimia dilihat semakin relevan di Malaysia. Kerajaan memainkan peranan yang aktif dalam mengawal selia dan menguatkuasakan undang-undang untuk memantau aktiviti di sepanjang kitaran hayat kimia. Industri kimia sendiri juga patut menguruskan risiko yang berkaitan dengan aktiviti mereka melalui rangka kerja pengurusan risiko yang menyeluruh. Dengan pelaksanaan peraturan-peraturan dan dasar-dasar global, ia mampu meningkatkan daya saing industri bahan kimia di pasaran global dan meningkatkan perlindungan kesihatan manusia dan alam sekitar. Industri kimia hari ini tidak boleh semata-mata memberi tumpuan kepada memaksimumkan keuntungan dan memenuhi keperluan pemegang saham mereka, tumpuan juga perlu ditumpukan kepada prestasi sosial dan alam sekitar dan memenuhi keperluan pihak berkepentingan utama yang lain termasuk masyarakat, pelanggan, pembekal, dan pekerja. Tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR) itu telah menjadi satu perhatian bagi industri bahan kimia. Pelbagai inisiatif CSR lambang iaitu Penjagaan Bertanggungjawab (RC), Pengawasan Produk (PS) dan Tanggungjawab Pengeluar Lanjutan (EPR) telah menjalankan dalam industri bahan kimia. Pelaksanaan inisiatif tersebut telah menjadi satu cara bagi syarikat kimia untuk memajukan perkembangan sosial di samping mendapat keuntungan, dan akhirnya menjadi satu cara bagi perniagaan untuk kekal jangka panjang.

Kata kunci: Industri kimia; tanggungjawab sosial korporat; penjagaan bertanggungjawab

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ISSN 2289-1706 | e-ISSN : 2289-4268 

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Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
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