Estimation of Two Species of Urban Plants for Airborne Particulates Deposition: The Influences of Meteorological Parameters and Pollutants Sources (Anggaran Dua Spesies Tumbuhan Bandar untuk Pemendapan Zarah Airborne: Pengaruh Parameter Meteorologi dan Sumber Pencemar)



ABSTRACT: In spite of being a part of the urban green infrastructures, urban forest is able to ameliorate the urban atmosphere through the deposition of particulates deposition on the surfaces of vegetations. The deposition is aided by the several factors such as boundary layer that exists on the surfaces of plants; the morphological characteristics as well as the meteorological parameters such as wind speeds, rainfall and mean temperature. This paper discusses on the role of urban plants (Ficus microcarpa and Acalypha siamensis) in capturing the airborne pollutants from various sources on the leaves surfaces. The findings showed that the elements’ concentration was greatly influenced by the meteorological parameters. Ca increases with the increased of wind speed (r = 0.702) at Jalan Hang Tuah, whereas at Country Heights Kajang, Mg was correlated to mean temperature (r = 0.795) and rainfall (r = 0.732); K, Cu, Th and PM were correlated to wind speed (r = 0.703, 0.777, 0.735 and 0.689 respectively); Rb and W were correlated to minimum temperature (r = 0.669 and r = 0.783 respectively) while Mn, W and PM were highly correlated to relative humidity (r = 0.839; r = 0.755) and r = 0.680 respectively). The meteorological parameters influence the deposition of pollutants is also due to the sites background and pollutants sources. The results also showed the elements with their possible sources; Country Heights Kajang: K and Ca (7.898%) were originated from construction while Sc, Ni, Cr, Ti and S (17.592%) were mainly emitted from sediments or road dust along Jalan Hang Tuah. Therefore, sustainability for good quality of urban air is achieved through the planting of more vegetation in urban areas.

Keywords: Urban plants; meteorological parameter; pollutants


ABSTRAK: Walaupun menjadi sebahagian daripada infrastruktur bandar hijau, hutan bandar dapat memperbaiki suasana bandar melalui endapan partikel pemendapan pada permukaan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Pemendapan ini dibantu oleh beberapa faktor seperti lapisan sempadan yang wujud pada permukaan tumbuhan; ciri-ciri morfologi dan juga parameter meteorologi seperti kelajuan angin, hujan dan min suhu. Kertas kerja ini membincangkan mengenai peranan tumbuhan bandar (Ficus microcarpa dan Acalypha siamensis) dalam menangkap pencemar udara daripada pelbagai sumber pada permukaan daun. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kepekatan unsur-unsur ‘telah banyak dipengaruhi oleh parameter meteorologi. Ca meningkat dengan peningkatan kelajuan angin (r = 0,702) di Jalan Hang Tuah, manakala di Country Heights Kajang, Mg telah dikaitkan dengan min suhu (r = 0,795) dan hujan (r = 0,732); K, Cu, Th dan PM telah dikaitkan dengan kelajuan angin (r = 0,703, 0,777, masing-masing 0,735 dan 0,689); Rb dan W telah dikaitkan dengan suhu minimum (r = 0,669 dan r = 0,783 masing-masing) manakala Mn, W dan PM telah berkait rapat dengan kelembapan relatif (r = 0,839; r = 0,755) dan masing-masing r = 0,680). Parameter meteorologi mempengaruhi pemendapan bahan pencemar juga disebabkan oleh sumber-sumber latar belakang laman dan bahan pencemar. Keputusan juga menunjukkan unsur-unsur dengan punca-punca mereka; Country Heights Kajang: K dan Ca (7,898%) telah berasal daripada pembinaan manakala Sc, Ni, Cr, Ti dan S (17,592%) didapati daripada sedimen atau debu jalan di Jalan Hang Tuah. Oleh itu, kemampanan udara bandar untuk kualiti yang baik dicapai melalui penanaman lebih tumbuh-tumbuhan di kawasan bandar.

Kata kunci: Tumbuhan bandar; parameter meteorologi; pencemaran

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