Case Report ‘Layer of Hope’: Managing Large Surface Wounds on Frontal Bare Bone in a Challenging Patient

Mohd Helmi Samathani, Adzim Poh Yuen Wen


This was a case of an elderly gentleman with large bleeding basal cell carcinoma occupying almost three quarter of the forehead managed with adjunct usage of integra acellular dermal regeneration template after lesion’s wide local excision despite challenged with patient’s newly diagnosed bicytopenia to rule out haematological malignancy. Standard management of tissue reconstruction with purely living tissue (split skin grafting) has higher risk of graft rejection due to bare bone as wound bed. This limits the neo-graft ability to achieve optimal potential of imbibition and inosculation. Thus, dermal matrix usage makes split skin grafting difficult wound bed has higher chance of surviving and hence shortens healing time and reduces hospital stay.


Basal cell carcinoma; bicytopenia; dermal regeneration matrix; delayed skin grafting; wide local excision

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