Hubungan antara Penagihan Dadah dengan Keganasan Rumah Tangga (The Relationship between Drug Addiction and Domestic Violence)
The World Health Organization (WHO) and its member states through the World Health Organization Resolution 49.25 have recognized that violence is a serious public problem and also a violation of human rights. In Malaysia, the term “domestic violence” refers to the violence perpetrated by a spouse against another spouse or loved one. To address cases of abuse of women, statistics show that drug addiction cases increase with the increasing number of domestic violence cases. The objective of this study was to study the respondents’ perspectives on domestic violence especially among opiate consumers in Malaysia especially in Terengganu and the effect of drug addiction on household harmony. The prospective study was conducted over a period of six months with 30 ophthalmologists receiving Metadon Replacement Therapy (TGM) treatment in Kuala Terengganu using a survey form. Descriptive analysis is used to analyze data in quantitative studies. This study used SPSS software version 22.0. The results of this study focused on the family, behavior, character and emotional relationships between the respondents and their spouses. The results showed that almost 80% of respondents had no previous history of abuse and did not commit domestic violence against their spouses. A total of 39.4% of respondents strongly agreed that domestic violence is a crime, compared with 7.1% of respondents who disagree. Further, the data shows that 36% of respondents agreed that their treatment of their spouses changed after taking drugs. Data also shows that 22% of respondents feel that their spouses anxious and scared when they are with them. Results from the data analysis show that most respondents are individuals who can lead a normal life before taking drugs. However, after taking drugs, changes in respondents’ behavior and emotions led to domestic and family violence. This in turn causes the spouses to feel insecure when with the respondents.
Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) dan negara-negara anggotanya melalui Resolusi Perhimpunan Kesihatan Sedunia 49.25 telah mengakui bahawa keganasan adalah masalah awam yang serius dan juga merupakan suatu pencabulan hak asasi manusia. Di Malaysia, istilah “keganasan rumah tangga” merujuk kepada keganasan yang dilakukan oleh pasangan terhadap isteri atau orang yang disayangi. Statistik menunjukkan bahawa kes penagihan dadah meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah kes keganasan rumah tangga. Objektif kajian ini ialah untuk mengkaji perspektif responden berkenaan keganasan rumah tangga terutamanya dalam kalangan pengguna-pengguna opiat di Malaysia khususnya di Terengganu seterusnya kesan penagihan dadah terhadap keharmonian rumah tangga. Kaedah pengajian prospektif telah dijalankan dalam tempoh enam bulan ke atas 30 orang penagih opiat yang sedang menerima rawatan Terapi Gantian Metadon (TGM) di sekitar Kuala Terengganu dengan menggunakan borang kaji selidik. Analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk menganalisis data dalam kajian kuantitatif. Kajian ini menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 22.0%.Hasil kajian memfokuskan hubungan kekeluargaan, perlakuan, tingkah laku serta emosi di antara respondan dan pasangan. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa hampir 80.0% responden tidak mempunyai sejarah penderaan sebelum ini dan tidak melakukan keganasan rumah tangga terhadap pasangan mereka. Sebanyak 39.4% responden sangat bersetuju bahawa keganasan rumah tangga adalah jenayah, berbanding 7.1% responden yang tidak bersetuju. Seterusnya, data menunjukkan bahawa 36.0% responden bersetuju bahawa layanan mereka terhadap pasangan berubah setelah mengambil dadah. Data juga membuktikan bahawa sebanyak 22.0% responden merasakan pasangan mereka berasa risau dan takut apabila bersama mereka. Hasil daripada analisis data menunjukkan bahawa kebanyakan responden merupakan individu yang mampu menjalani kehidupan normal sebelum pengambilan dadah. Walau bagaimanapun, setelah pengambilan dadah, perubahan pada tingkah laku dan emosi responden menyebabkan berlakunya keganasan dalam rumah tangga dan terhadap keluarga. Hal ini seterusnya menyebabkan pasangan berasa tidak selamat apabila bersama responden.
Kata kunci: Keganasan rumah tangga; pengguna opiat
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