The Effect of Self-Assessment on EFL Learners’ Receptive Skills (Kesan Penilaian Kendiri terhadap Kemahiran Reseptif dalam Kalangan Pelajar Bahasa Inggeris sebagai Bahasa Kedua (ELF)
Past research has shown that self-assessment influences language learners’ speaking and writing performance. However,
few studies have examined the impact of self-assessment on EFLlearners’ listening and reading abilities. This study
was an attempt to investigate any effect of self-assessment on beginner and intermediate level proficiency EFLlearners’
receptive skills. The subjects were 120 Iranian language learners selected through convenience sampling and divided
into beginner and intermediate level proficiency. The experimental group was exposed to self-assessment and assessed
their learning. Both the experimental and control groups received a posttest. Data were analyzed using a 2-way ANCOVA
test. The results showed that self-assessment significantly improved EFLlearners’ receptive skills. However, the effect of
self-assessment for listening skill was less than for reading skill. Also, the effect was greater for the intermediate group
compared to the beginner group. An implication of the study is that self-assessment can possibly be used as an alternative
to traditional teacher-made tests to help language learners to further develop their receptive skills.
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