Penterjemahan Pengetahuan Pedagogi Kandungan dalam Proses Tindakan Guru Bahasa Iban Baharu dan Berpengalaman Bukan Opsyen (The Application of the Pedagogical Content Knowledge Among not an Opstion New and Experienced Iban Language Teachers)
This study aims to examine how the pedagogical content knowledge (PPK) was applied in the form of pedagogical reasoning
and action of teachers in the teaching process in the classroom. A case-study method was employed. Three Iban language
teachers from PPDSubis and one from Miri were selected as the participants. After their consent was obtained, they
were interviewed and observed. The interview transcripts was analysed using Nvivo 9. The results showed that almost
all Iban language teachers, new and experienced, went through the levels of teaching processes; in terms of the level of
understanding, transformation, action, evaluation, reflection and new understanding. The experience in teaching the Iban
language provides all the teachers different experiences while teaching at every stage of teaching process because they
were not initially teachers who specialized in Iban language. Most of the new teachers refer to the experienced teacher
for preparing of their lesson pelan. While experienced Iban language teacher always refering to the old generation to
get the answer for their confusion. The implication of this study shows that every teacher can teach Iban language as
long as they are doing more exercises on pedagogy.
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