Kesediaan Kanak-kanak Prasekolah Mengecam Pola Matematik (Preschoolers’ Readiness in Recognizing Mathematical Patterns)
The aim of this research is to explore 6 year old preschoolers’ readiness in recognizing pattern in five different dimensions
and rules. The research instrument was adapted from previous research. A total of 156 preschoolers were involved in
this research. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results indicate that on the average the children were at low
level of readiness in recognizing the pattern in different dimensions and rules. The results also showed that majority of
the children could recognize colors dimension in patterning (31.15%) more than other dimensions. It was found that
children could hardly recognize number dimension patterns (25.89%). The results also indicate that children could easily
recognize type 1 pattern, namely simple alternating following the rules of ABBABB(38.97%). However increase alternating
following the rules of ABABBABBBwhich are type 4 pattern was hardly recognized by the children (20.38%). These findings
will help early childhood teachers in diversifying patterning instruction and content of knowledge beginning from the
easiest dimensions and rules until the most complex patterns.
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