Persekitaran Maklum Balas sebagai Penentu Efikasi Kendiri Pengajaran Pensyarah Politeknik (Feedback Environment as Determinants of Polytechnic Lecturers Teaching Self Efficacy)
Feedback should be delivered not only formally but also informally ongoing basis in every education organization. It aims to help the followers to be clear with expected performance of the leader and the standards set by the organization. The cultural existence for positive feedback environment should be emphasized in every organization to foster the potential of the followers and enhance the work performance for the benefit of individuals and organization. Thus, this study aims to identify the best predictive factor of the feedback environment on self-efficacy of teaching. A total of 247 respondents from Polytechnic lecturers in Category 1 were randomly selected from the state of Penang, Terengganu and Sarawak. The data obtained using a questionnaire consisting of three parts, including the profile of the respondents and the questionnaires of Feedback Environment Scale (FES) (2004) and the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSE) (2001) which comprises seven Likert Scale. Both questionnaires have been translated into Malay language and has a high Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient for FES and TSE. The data obtained were analyzed using multiple regression method. The study shows that all the dimensions of feedback environment and self-efficacy of teaching in a positive and significant relationships with each other. The result also found that there are six variables of feedback environment which are feedback credibility, feedback quality, feedback delivery, unfavorable feedback, feedback availability, and promoting feedback seeking as a significant predictor of self-efficacy of teaching. The results also showed the unfavorable feedback as the best predictor of self-efficacy of teaching. The results of the study can be used by leaders to emphasize the development of feedback environment in the workplace to improve self-efficacy of teaching among the educators in order to produce the quality and competent human capital in accordance with the market requirements.
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