Daya Tahan Pelajar Universiti Awam dan Universiti Swasta (Student Resilience of Public and Private University Students)
Kebolehpasaran graduan institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) hangat dibincangkan dalam kalangan para akademik. Hal ini adalah kerana mereka dikatakan tidak memiliki kemahiran dan keupayaan berfikir secara kritis sehingga boleh menggugat keupayaan mereka dalam penyelesaian sesuatu masalah seperti mana yang dikehendaki majikan. Graduan juga dikatakan memiliki tahap keupayaan serta ketahanan yang rendah. Keadaan ini memberi persepsi negatif kepada majikan kerana kekurangan ini boleh mempengaruhi keupayaan mereka untuk berdepan dengan persekitaran dunia kerjaya yang sering berubah-ubah. Justeru, satu kajian telah dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti tahap daya tahan pelajar IPT dan perbezaan tahap daya tahan antara pelajar universiti awam dan universiti swasta. Seramai 1910 pelajar dari 15 buah universiti awam dan 16 buah universiti swasta telah dilibatkan dalam kajian ini. Soal selidik telah digunakan sebagai instrumen bagi pengumpulan data. Hasil kajian mendapati daya tahan pelajar IPT adalah pada tahap sederhana. Malah kajian juga mendapati bahawa daya tahan antara pelajar universiti awam dan universiti swasta adalah sama atau hampir sama. Implikasi kajian ini mengambarkan apakah yang perlu dilaksanakan oleh pihak berkepentingan dalam usaha meningkatkan daya tahan pelajar IPT.
Kata kunci: daya tahan, pelajar universiti, universiti awam, universiti swasta, kebolehpasaran graduan IPT
The issue of marketability of IPT graduates is hotly debated among academicians. This is because the students are being said that they do not to have the skills and ability to think critically which can show their ability to solve problem as required by employers. Graduates are also said to have a low level of capability and resiliency. This gives a negative perception to the employers because of their lacking can affect the ability to deal with the environment of career world that often changes. Therefore, a study was conducted to identify the level of resilience of university students and the difference between the level of resiliency of public and private universities students. A total of 1910 students from 15 public universities and 16 private universities have been involved in this study. Questionnaires were used as instruments for data collection. The results showed that the resiliency of university students is at a moderate level. In fact, the study also found that the resilience between public universities and private universities students are the same or nearly the same. The implications of this study reflect on what measure should be taken by certain party in order to increase the resiliency level of university students.
Keywords: resilience, students’ university, public university, private university, graduate employablity
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