Cabaran Aplikasi Modul Terapi Filial dalam kalangan Ibu bagi Menangani Isu Tingkahlaku Kanak-Kanak (Challenges in the Application of Filial Therapy Module among Mothers to Overcome Children’s Behaviour Problems)
Terapi Filial merupakan satu pendekatan melatih ibubapa bermain secara teraputik bersama anak mereka iaitu anak fokus. Tujuan kajian ini adalah meneroka cabaran peserta melaksanakan Terapi Filial sebagai intervensi kaunseling bagi menangani isu tingkah laku. Peserta kajian terdiri daripada lima orang ibu yang mempunyai anak bermasalah tingkahlaku. Peserta dipilih berdasarkan tiga kritieria utama iaitu berminat menyertai dan menjalankan sesi bermain, fasih menulis serta bertutur dalam bahasa melayu dan mempunyai anak mempunyai salah satu isu iaitu tingkahlaku. Kajian ini menggunakan teknik snowball dalam pemilihan sampel. Dalam intervensi ini peserta menjalankan lima kali sesi bermain bersama anak fokus dengan menggunakan kemahiran asas Terapi Bermain Pemusatan Kanak-Kanak. Data diperoleh melalui temubual, pemerhatian dan analisis dokumen bagi memastikan triangulasi dicapai. Data dianalisis secara bertema menggunakan perisian N-vivo. Hasil dapatan kajian mendapati antara cabaran yang dihadapi oleh peserta adalah kesukaran mengikuti peraturan sesi bermain, menetapkan masa bermain, menyediakan tempat bermain, peserta bosan dan budaya. Implikasi kajian ini menyumbang kepada pembangunan profesion kaunseling iaitu kaunselor harus mengambil kira cabaran-cabaran tersebut sebagai garis panduan menggunakan Terapi Filial sebagai satu pendekatan. Garis panduan ini dapat membantu kaunselor mempraktiskan Terapi Filial dalam meneroka serta memudahkan ibu bapa bermain bersama anak dalam suasana teraputik. Terapi Filial juga berupaya menjadi modaliti tambahan dalam perkhidmatan kaunseling kanak-kanak dan keluarga di Malaysia.
Kata kunci: Terapi Filial; Modul Terapi Filial; Ibu; Anak fokus; Sesi bermain
Filial therapy is an approach to train parents to therapeutically plan with their children, which are their focused child. The purpose of this study is to explore the challenges of the participants in implementing Filial Therapy as a counseling intervention to explore child’s behavioral issues. The participants of this study involved five mothers who had children with behavioral concern. The participants were selected based on three main cretiria which were interested to participate and conduct play session, Malay writing and speaking fluency and having a child who had a behavioural concern. This study used snowball technique using selective sampling. In this intervention, the participants conducted five play sessions with their focus child using the basic skills of Child Centered Play Therapy approach. The data was obtained through interviews, observations and document analysis to ensure triangulation is achieved. The data were analyzed through thematic techniques using N-vivo software. The findings shown that the challenges faced by the participants include difficulties to follow the rules in the play sessions, set the play times, provide setting for play session, disengage and culture. The implication of this study is to contribute to the development of the counseling profession where counselors should take into account these challenges as guidelines when using Filial Therapy as an approach. These guidelines help counselors practice Filial Therapy in exploring and facilitate parents to play with their children in a therapeutic environment. Filial Therapy is able to be an additional modality in counseling services for children and families in Malaysia.
Keywords: Filial Therapy, Parent, Focused Child, Play Session
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