Opsyen sebagai Moderator dalam Hubungan Berstruktur antara Pengetahuan Asas PdP dengan Amalan Pengajaran Guru Matematik Sekolah Rendah (Options as Moderator in the Structural Relationships between Primary Mathematics Teachers' Basic Knowledge of Teaching and Learning, and Teaching Practices)
Kajian ini bertujuan mengesahkan kesan penyederhanaan faktor opsyen dalam hubungan berstruktur antara konstruk pengetahuan asas pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) dengan konstruk amalan pengajaran dalam model berstruktur pengetahuan asas PdP, kemahiran berfikir, Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah dan amalan pengajaran guru matematik sekolah rendah. Analisis Faktor Pengesahan (CFA) berbilang kumpulan dijalankan dalam dua bahagian. Bahagian pertama merupakan statistik tidak berparameter untuk mengesahkan kewujudan kesan penyederhanaan. Bahagian kedua mengaplikasikan statistik parametrik untuk membandingkan kekuatan kesan guru opsyen matematik dan guru bukan opsyen matematik terhadap pemboleh ubah bersandar. Perisian IBM SPSS AMOS versi 23.0 digunakan untuk kedua-dua bahagian pengesahan. Reka bentuk kajian ini merupakan kajian tinjauan silang yang melibatkan seramai 394 guru matematik sekolah rendah yang dipilih melalui pensampelan rawak berstrata dari Semenanjung Malaysia. Instrumen kajian merupakan soal selidik dengan skala Likert lima poin yang diadaptasi daripada beberapa kajian lepas. Dapatan menunjukkan bahawa guru opsyen matematik memberi kesan penyederhanaan yang lebih ketara berbanding guru bukan opsyen terhadap amalan pengajaran. Kesimpulannya, opsyen guru merupakan moderator berbentuk kualitatif dalam hubungan berstruktur antara konstruk pengetahuan asas PdP dengan amalan pengajaran yang secara langsung mempengaruhi pembelajaran murid. Dapatan kajian ini telah memberi implikasi bahawa proses pengambilan dan penempatan guru mengikut opsyen perlu ada keselarasan untuk memantapkan lagi kualiti sistem pendidikan negara.
Kata Kunci: Amalan Pengajaran, Hubungan Berstruktur, Moderator, Opsyen, Pengetahuan Asas PdP
This study aims at validating the effect of teachers’ option as a moderator in structural relationships between the basic knowledge of teaching and learning, and teaching practices in the structural model of primary mathematics teachers’ basic knowledge of teaching and learning, thinking skills and School Based Assessment. Multiple group Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is conducted in two parts. The first part was nonparametric statistics to verify the existence of a moderating effect. The second part applies parametric statistics to compare the strengths between option and non-option mathematics teachers against the dependent variable. The IBM SPSS AMOS version 23.0 software was used for both verification sections. The design of this study was cross-sectional survey research involving a total of 394 primary school mathematics teachers who were selected through stratified random sampling from Peninsular Malaysia. The instrument of this study is the questionnaire that has been adapted from some previous studies and the responses were measured on a 5-point Likert scale. The result revealed that mathematics option teachers have a significantly more moderate effect than the non-option teachers on teaching practices. In conclusion, the teachers’ option is a qualitative moderator in the structural relationship between the basic knowledge of teaching and learning, and the teaching practices that directly affect the student's learning. The findings of this study have implicated that the recruitment and deployment of teachers according to options should be aligned to strengthen the quality of the national education system.
Key Words: Teaching Practices, Structural Relationship, Moderator, Options, Basic Knowledge of Teaching and Learning
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