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Author Guidelines
- Jurnal Hadhari menerbitkan manuskrip yang ditulis dalam bahasa Melayu, bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa Arab. Keutaman diberikan kepada makalah berbahasa Inggeris. Manuskrip yang diserahkan untuk diterbitkan dalam jurnal ini hendaklah karya asli yang belum pernah diterbitkan atau tidak dihantar serentak untuk pertimbangan oleh mana-mana penerbitan lain.
- Manuskrip perlu ditaip dan diserahkan mengikut prosedur berikut:
- Ditaip menggunakan perisian Microsoft Word.
- Bagi manuskrip bahasa Melayu atau bahasa Inggeris hendaklah ditaip menggunakan font Times New Roman, bersaiz 12 dan selang 1.5 baris.
- Bagi manuskrip bahasa Arab hendaklah ditaip menggunakan font Traditional Arabic, bersaiz 16 dan selang 1.5 baris.
- Kertas bersaiz A4.
- Biasanya sesebuah manuskrip tidak melebihi 10,000 patah perkataan.
- Bahasa Inggeris British atau Amerika boleh digunakan asalkan konsisten.
- Diserahkan melalui sistem serahan manuskrip atas talian Jurnal Hadhari ( Semua perhubungan berkaitan Jurnal Hadhari adalah melalui Online journal System ( dan Mel-e ( sahaja.
- Tajuk sesuatu manuskrip perlulah ringkas, deskriptif dan sebaiknya tidak melebihi 15 perkataan.
- Abstrak hendaklah ditulis bagi memerihalkan isi utama manuskrip dengan jumlah perkataan tidak kurang daripada 150 dan tidak lebih 200.
- Abstrak hendaklah mengandungi penyataan masalah, tujuan kajian, metodologi kajian dan hasil kajian.
- Kata kunci perlu dinyatakan selepas setiap abstrak, tidak lebih daripada 5 item.
- Manuskrip berbahasa Melayu atau Inggeris, mestilah mempunyai tajuk, abstrak dan kata kunci dalam dua (2) bahasa iaitu Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris. Manakala manuskrip berbahasa Arab, mestilah mempunyai tajuk, abstrak dan kata kunci dalam dua(2) bahasa iaitu Arab dan Inggeris.
- Secara am, pembahagian isi manuskrip merangkumi Pengenalan, Metodologi, Hasil dan Perbincangan, Kesimpulan dan Rujukan.
- Semua ilustrasi termasuk rajah, carta, graf dan jadual mestilah dilabelkan dan disediakan dalam halaman yang berasingan daripada teks. Kedudukan ilustrasi seperti yang dikehendaki dalam teks hendaklah ditandakan dengan jelas. Semua ilustrasi ini perlu dirujuk dan dinomborkan secara berurutan sebagai rajah.
- Rujukan dalam teks hendaklah menggunakan sistem pengarang tarikh, iaitu nama penulis dan diikuti oleh tahun penerbitan. Satu senarai rujukan yang disusun mengikut abjad hendaklah dimasukkan pada bahagian akhir manuskrip. Kesemua rujukan yang rujuk dalam teks mestilah terdapat dalam senarai rujukan. Para penulis bertanggungjawab memastikan ketetapan dan kesempurnaan maklumat dalam senarai rujukan. Semua manuskrip mesti mengikut garis panduan The Chicago Manual of Style (Universiti of Chicago Press). Gaya rujukan yang digunakan MESTI konsisten pada semua bahagian manuskrip.
- Rujukan dalam teks dan senarai rujukan bagi makalah bahasa Arab hendaklah ditulis menggunakan huruf Roman dengan sebutan Bahasa Arab. Sila lihat contoh di (
- Nota kaki tidak digalakkan. Sekiranya perlu, sila gunakan seminimum yang mungkin dan diletakkan sebagai nota hujung di akhir karya dengan dituliskan angka secara sistematik.
- Para penulis bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya bagi memastikan manuskrip mereka tidak melanggar mana-mana hak cipta yang sedia ada. Para penulis seharusnya mendapatkan keizinan untuk menerbitkan semula atau mengubahsuai bahan-bahan yang mempunyai hak cipta dan menunjukkan bukti keizinan tersebut semasa menyerahkan naskhah akhir manuskrip.
- Manuskrip akan melalui tapisan awal oleh Sidang Editor. Manuskrip yang dipilih akan melalui tapisan awal dan dinilai oleh satu/dua orang pewasit. Sesebuah manuskrip akan dinilai berasaskan kesesuaiannya dengan Jurnal Hadhari, sumbangan kepada disiplin ilmu, kejituan analisis, keluasan konseptual, persembahan yang jelas, kesempurnaan teknikal dan bahasa.
- Nama penuh dan afiliasi semua penulis manuskrip hendaklah dinyatakan pada halaman depan yang dibuat secara berasingan dengan manuskrip.
- Salinan pruf akan dihantar kepada penulis bagi tujuan penyemakan. Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab penulis untuk memaklumkan sebarang pembetulan kepada Sidang Editor.
- The Jurnal Hadhari publish written manuscripts in Malay, English and Arabic. Priority will be given to article written in English. The submitted manuscript which to be issued in this journal must presents its originality, unpublished work; and it has not been submitted to or not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- The manuscript must be typed and submitted according to procedures as follows:
- The manuscript must be prepared using Microsoft Word file format
- For any manuscripts written in Malay or English, the text must be typed in line spacing of 1.5 by using Times New Roman font, with 12 points.
- For Arabic, the text must be typed using the Traditional Arabic font with 16 points and line spacing of 1.5.
- In the size of A4 paper.
- A manuscript is normally not more than 10,000 words.
- British or American English can be utilized, as long as consistency is maintained throughout the article.
- Papers must be submitted via Jurnal Hadhari’s online submission manuscript system ( Any queries regarding Jurnal Hadhari can be made via online journal System ( and e-mail (
- The title of manuscript must be concise, descriptive and does not exceeds 15 words.
- An informative abstract must summarize the purpose and major findings of paper in more than 150 words and not exceeding 200.
- Abstract should contain problem statement of the research, research objective, research methodology and research findings.
- The article must have keywords stated after abstract in maximum of 5 items.
- For manuscripts in Malay or English, title, abstract and keyword must be written in both languages of Malay and English. As for Arabic manuscripts the title, abstract and keyword must be written in three languages; Malay, English and Arabic.
- Generally, the division of manuscript content should include Introduction, Methodology, Result and Discussion, Conclusion and References.
- All illustrations including diagram, chart, graph and tables required labelling and illustrated separately in different page and must not embedded in the text. The proposed location of illustration must be indicated clearly in the journal. It should be numbered and referred hierarchially.
- For references, it must adhere to the author-date system, where the name of author is written first and followed by the year of publication. The references should be listed in alphabetical order and must be presented along with the final manuscript. The short citations are amplified in the list of references, where full bibliographic information is provided. The authors are expected to ensure that the information needed is cited in the references. The manuscript must conform to the guidelines designated by The Chicago Manual of Style (Universiti of Chicago Press). The references style should be applied consistently at every components of the manuscript.
- The references for Arabic article must include the cited text and the list of references, which must be written in Roman letters with the Arabic pronunciation. Examples can be viewed in (
- Within the journal, the use of footnotes is inadvisable. If unavoidable, please minimise the usage and label it numerically and systematically at the end of the page where it occur.
- The author is responsible in ensuring the manuscript does not abuse any authorised copyright laws. It is fully the author’s accountability to obtain permission from authors and publishers of any previously published, copyrighted material for republication or modification of contents. The copyright-holder’s permission must be compiled together with final manuscript during submission.
- Every submitted papers will be filtered by the editor before the paper is peer-reviewed by one or two reviewers. Regarding the publication of a manuscript, it will be evaluated based on its compliance with Jurnal Hadhari, the compatibleness for contribution to the discipline, the cogency of analysis, the conceptual wide scope, the clarity of presentation, technical adequacy and language.
- The names and affiliations of all authors must be stated at the cover page and printed separately from the manuscript
- All manuscripts will undergo some editorial modification, so it is important for authors to check proofs carefully. Authors are required to notify the editor for any corrections or additions of any missing.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
- The text is 1.5 spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- Papers submitted may go through smilarity checks using appropriate softwares.
- All authors agreed to the current submitted form of the paper.
- At least 3 potential reviewers and their emails are included in the Comments for the Editor.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.