TEORI MASLOW DALAM KONTEKS MEMENUHI KEPERLUAN ASAS PEKERJA DAN PERANANNYA DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI ORGANISASI: KAJIAN DAN PERSPEKTIF ISLAM (Maslow Theory in the Contexts of Fulfilling Basic Needs and its Role in Rising Organizational Performances: Study and Islamic Perspective)

Ridzuan Masri, Arman Ahmad, Razlina Abd Rani



Teori hierarki keperluan Maslow yang menerangkan aras keperluan manusia telah digunapakai secara meluas dan diterima dalam dunia akademik dan pengamal pengurusan organisasi moden untuk meningkatkan prestasi organisasi. Walaupun begitu, ianya tidak langsung memiliki unsur-unsur yang bersifat pembinaan aspek kerohanian. Justeru, kajian konseptual ini bertujuan untuk meneruskan legasi dan usaha Islamisasi ilmu dengan memilih teori hierarki keperluan Maslow iaitu tingkat keperluan asas untuk dibincang, dibahas dan dihubungkan dengan kerangka ilmu-ilmu Islam sedia ada. Analisis terhadap ilmu moden dibincangkan melalui perbincangan dari sudut tasawwur Islam. Kajian ini juga mengemukakan idea Islamisasi melalui tiga (3) pendekatan utama dalam teori Maslow iaitu pengetahuan tentang muamalah, adab dan akhlak, dan juga pengetahuan tentang budaya organisasi. Melalui ketiga-tiga pendekatan utama tersebut, seseorang pekerja dapat melaksanakan tugasannya secara berkesan seterusnya meningkatkan prestasi organisasi secara holistik menerusi landasan-landasan syariat. Metodologi kajian adalah menggunakan kaedah hermeneutik iaitu interpretasi teks terutamanya kitab Ihya’Ulumuddin karangan Imam al- Ghāzalī


Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs theory is a theory that describes the level of human needs that has been widely adopted and used by many academics and practitioners in the today management of modern organizations to boost organizational performances. However, it does not have at all the aspects of spiritual development. Therefore, this conceptual study is to carry on with the legacy and efforts of Islamization of knowledge by taking the basic level of human needs in the Maslow’s theory to be discussed, reviewed, and linked to the necessary framework of Islamic knowledge. The analysis of modern knowledge will be deliberated through the Islamic worldview perspective. This study will put forward the idea of Islamization through three (3) main approaches within the framework of Maslow’s theory namely, the knowledge of muamalah, adab (manners) and akhlak (morality) and finally the organizational culture. Through these three main approaches, an employee would be able to carry out his duty and responsibility effectively and thus, enhancing the organizational performance in a more holistic manner through syariat. The methodology used for this study is Hermeneutics approach which is the interpretation of text especially Ihyā’Ulumuddin written by Imam al- Ghāzalī.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17576/JH-2018-1001-10


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